MICHELA ASTUTOSOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES2010-04-082010-04-082009-05-11MICHELA ASTUTO (2009-05-11). Malaysia and the Uruguay Round of Negotiations. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.https://scholarbank.nus.edu.sg/handle/10635/15941This research aims at examining the participation of Malaysia in the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations. Participation has many aspects. First, Malaysia had to decide if active participation was in its best interest. Second, the government had to determine priorities and specific negotiating positions.It was then necessary to provide Malaysian negotiators with reliable information, human and financial resources and the flexibility to adjust to the challenges arising from the negotiating process. Finally, Malaysia had to choose its partners and allies in order to achieve at least some of its negotiating goals.This research has shown that the outcome of the Uruguay Round was reasonably positive for Malaysia. The final act by and large reflected Malaysian negotiating positions.enUruguay Round, Malaysia, WTO, trade negotiationsMalaysia and the Uruguay Round of NegotiationsThesisNOT_IN_WOS