Ye, J.Wong, W.C.Chua, K.C.ELECTRICAL & COMPUTER ENGINEERING2014-10-072014-10-072003Ye, J., Wong, W.C., Chua, K.C. (2003). Power-efficient multicasting in ad hoc networks. IEEE International Conference on Networks, ICON : 597-602. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.078037788515566463 power-constrained wireless ad hoc networks, a crucial issue in routing and multicasting is to conserve as much power as possible while still achieving good throughput performance. In this paper, we propose a class of power-efficient multicasting algorithms using a new cost function that jointly optimizes power conservation and path efficiency. Simulation results demonstrate significant performance improvement in terms of power efficiency and interference control, while achieving better path efficiency compared with the algorithms using pure power as cost function. ©2003 IEEE.MulticastingPower-efficient algorithmWireless ad hoc networksPower-efficient multicasting in ad hoc networksConference PaperNOT_IN_WOS