Chen, C.Dong, J.S.Sun, J.COMPUTER SCIENCE2013-07-042013-07-042007Chen, C.,Dong, J.S.,Sun, J. (2007). Machine-assisted proof support for validation beyond Simulink. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 4789 LNCS : 96-115. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.978354076648303029743 is popular in industry for modeling and simulating embedded systems. It is deficient to handle requirements of high-level assurance and timing analysis. Previously, we showed the idea of applying Timed Interval Calculus (TIC) to complement Simulink. In this paper, we develop machine-assisted proof support for Simulink models represented in TIC. The work is based on a generic theorem prover, Prototype Verification System (PVS). The TIC specifications of both Simulink models and requirements are transformed to PVS specifications automatically. Verification can be carried out at interval level with a high level of automation. Analysis of continuous and discrete behaviors is supported. The work enhances the applicability of applying TIC to cope with complex Simulink models. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.Formal verificationPVSReal-time specificationsSimulinkMachine-assisted proof support for validation beyond SimulinkConference PaperNOT_IN_WOS