LIM HWEE SINCIVIL ENGINEERING2010-04-082010-04-082008-05-31LIM HWEE SIN (2008-05-31). Structural response of Light weight concrete beams in flexure. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. Study gives a coverage on structural response of reinforced lightweight concrete(LWC) beams in flexure. Three types of LWC-lightweight aggregate concrete, lightweight foamed concrete and lightweight aggregate foamed concrete of strength ranging from 20 MPa to 80 MPa were used, embracing a wide range of principal parameters. Related issues like material properties, steel-concrete bond and tension stiffening were also investigated.It was found that the use of LWC does not significantly affect the ultimate moment capacity, but results in higher deflection at service load and lead to brittle failure compared to NWC beams. The provisions contained in four major codes of practice were assessed with the results from 64 pull-out tests, 30 direct-tensions tests and 28 tests on beams in flexure. Based on the analytical and experimental investigations, recommendations are made for the flexural design of LWC beams.enbeams,bond,ductility,flexure,light-weight concreteStructural response of Light weight concrete beams in flexureThesisNOT_IN_WOS