Gao, F.Lee, S.J.Li, R.Whang, S.J.Balakumar, S.Chi, D.Z.Kean, C.C.Vicknesh, S.Tung, C.H.Kwong, D.-L.ELECTRICAL & COMPUTER ENGINEERING2014-10-072014-10-072006Gao, F.,Lee, S.J.,Li, R.,Whang, S.J.,Balakumar, S.,Chi, D.Z.,Kean, C.C.,Vicknesh, S.,Tung, C.H.,Kwong, D.-L. (2006). GaAs p- and n-MOS devices integrated with novel passivation (plasma nitridation and AlN-surface passivation) techniques and ALD-HfO2/TaN gate stack. Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM : -. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>142440439801631918 using novel surface passivation techniques (Plasma Nitridation, AlN-passivation) on GaAs, we demonstrate GaAs p- and n-MOS devices integrated with ALD-HfO2/TaN gate stack. Results show that robust passivation layers can be achieved at HfO2/GaAs interface, leading to good C-V characteristics on both n- and p-type GaAs with low leakage current. It is also found that GaAs MOS devices with plasma nitridation and AlN-passivation show higher thermal-stability than Si-passivated devices.GaAs p- and n-MOS devices integrated with novel passivation (plasma nitridation and AlN-surface passivation) techniques and ALD-HfO2/TaN gate stackConference PaperNOT_IN_WOS