CHEN WEIDONGMECHANICAL ENGINEERING2022-09-302022-09-302022-06-09CHEN WEIDONG (2022-06-09). STUDYING THE PERFORMANCE OF A QUAD-GENERATION SYSTEM WITH STORAGE FOR IMPROVED ENERGY EFFICIENCY. ScholarBank@NUS Repository. the increasing concern of global warming and energy shortage worldwide, multigeneration systems incorporated with environmental-friendly technologies are consistently attracting sustained attention as alternatives to the conventional energy supply methods. This is because these systems utilize dissipated heat to produce desired cooling and heating, along with excellent economic feasibility and emission reduction performance. This study aims to comprehensively investigate and optimize the performance of a Quad-generation system from the perspectives of both fundamental thermal dynamic analysis and system operating strategy optimization. A micro gas turbine, a compressed natural gas supply system, a hot water tank, a single-effect absorption chiller, an adsorption chiller, a solid desiccant coated heat exchanger dehumidifier, an indirect evaporative cooler, and a cooling tower constitute the main components of the Quad-generation system. The proposed system is able to produce electricity, heating, cooling, and potable water.enQuad-generation, energy efficiency, optimization, decentralized energy system, experiment analysis, energy storageSTUDYING THE PERFORMANCE OF A QUAD-GENERATION SYSTEM WITH STORAGE FOR IMPROVED ENERGY EFFICIENCYThesis0000-0001-9806-8203