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dc.contributor.authorNG AIK LAN
dc.identifier.citationNG AIK LAN (1999). TECHNOPRENEURS' BUSINESS AND INNOVATION CENTER. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
dc.description.abstractTechnopreneurs- a new group of entrepreneurs, are fast gaining recognition in Singapore. They are people who design innovative technological products and try to market them. All these attempts are done at their own risk and own savings, without the backing of any multinational companies or technological institutions. The government is setting aside huge amount of investment funds and enhancing the environment to foster their growth. They are considered the roots of future technological development. When properly nurture, they can help to improve the local economy, generates local employment and giving Singapore a long-term global competitive advantage. The thesis aims to investigate into this new group of talents- their needs, characteristics, taking the Business and Innovation Center as a design vehicle. Through research, few issues about the technoprenuers are identified: 1. unpredictable life-cycle; 2. company size rapidly shrinking or expanding; 3. try to keep overhead cost low; 4. different work patterns; 5. cannot afford expensive and cutting edge equipment; 6. engage in different research areas. On another level, the thesis also requires to address the concern from the statutory board-NSTB, which is put in-charge of the center. They aim to promote the innovative culture at the center. According to them innovative culture ‘involves providing a quiet and secure environment for individual innovator to aid his concentration. It must also involve a vibrant and cheerful environment for stimulating contacts between innovators, capitalist and business consultants. For small companies, work environment must stimulate cooperation and inventive thinking among the peers.’ Having identified the issues, the main concern of the thesis is in ability of architecture to address the ever-changing and fluctuating nature regarding the technoprenuers How can architecture enhance the research processes of these technopreneurs, such that innovative products can be designed and commercialized? At the same time, the architecture must reflect the culture promoted by NSTB. Architecturally, the issues to address are: 1 adaptability & flexibility 2. landscape 3. site concerns
dc.sourceSDE BATCHLOAD 20230215
dc.contributor.supervisorONG BOON LAY
dc.description.degreeconferredMASTER OF ARCHITECTURE (M.ARCH)
Appears in Collections:Master's Theses (Restricted)

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