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dc.contributor.authorCHUA HUI LING
dc.identifier.citationCHUA HUI LING (1999). THE IMPORTANCE OF ATRIUMS IN SHOPPING CENTER. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study is to provide empirical evidence for the continual development of the atriums and its activities in future retail developments. The study shows that atriums and its activities do have an impact on the shopper's attitude towards the shopping center that he visits. However, it is recognized that it is difficult to ascertain the economic benefits solely derived from the presence of an atrium because economic success of a shopping center encompasses a collective number of factors like good tenant-mix and location etc. In addition, results show that the longer the shopper is induced to stay in the center via promotional activities in the atriums, his propensity to spend increase. However, it is observed that his spending will only increase marginally till a point of maximum utility after which he does not spend further even if he stays longer in the center (i.e. subjected to the Law of Marginal Returns). The survey shows that the use of an atrium is becoming increasingly varied but the fundamental purpose to fulfil shoppers' social needs should never be forgotten. This means the consultants must perform a formidable task of providing an atrium environment that is broad enough to accommodate the wide range in tastes and values we know our customers represent, yet is specialized enough to appeal to their everchanging expectations and lifestyles. Nevertheless, a successful atrium should strike a balance between keeping the shoppers long enough in the atrium and at the same time stimulating purchases at the stores.
dc.sourceSDE BATCHLOAD 20210216
dc.contributor.departmentSCHOOL OF BUILDING & REAL ESTATE
dc.contributor.supervisorTHANG-TAN CHZE LIN DOREEN
dc.description.degreeconferredBACHELOR OF SCIENCE (REAL ESTATE)
Appears in Collections:Bachelor's Theses

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