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Title: Islamic Political Party and Democracy: A Comparative Study of PKS in Indonesia and PAS in Malaysia (1998 - 2005)
Keywords: Islam, politics, party, democracy, PKS, PAS
Issue Date: 9-Apr-2009
Citation: AHMAD ALI NURDIN (2009-04-09). Islamic Political Party and Democracy: A Comparative Study of PKS in Indonesia and PAS in Malaysia (1998 - 2005). ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Abstract This thesis focuses on the participation of Islamic political parties that have a democracy platform in Indonesia and Malaysia, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) and Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS), during 1999-2005. I examine the similarities and differences between these two Islamic political parties: origins, views on the relationship between Islam and democracy, manner of recruiting members and leaders, and their participation in the 1999 and 2004 elections. The thesis takes the position that these Islamic political parties are not a threat to democracy at all. Therefore, the main questions addressed here is: How do the PKS and PAS reconcile Islam and democracy? In order to answer the question, I evaluate the PKS and PAS¿s view on democracy, implementation of democratic values in the process of parties¿ establishment, in recruiting members and leaders, and in their participation in the 1999 and 2004 elections. Having examined the research questions, data and evidence, the thesis argues that two possible and comparable, ways, are embodied in the experiences of PKS and PAS, in which an Islamic political party can co-exist with democratic rules and can share in the same vision and enjoy a reasonable possibility of electoral success. PKS and PAS believe that democracy goes to the roots of Islam and the Indonesian and Malaysian context in which they exist; and that it is a good political tool for an Islamic party like PKS and PAS to achieve its political goals. Due to different historical establishments and the different national political contexts of Indonesia and Malaysia, PAS and PKS have their own styles of promoting their ideology and programs to their supporters. However, the PKS and PAS are similar in their objectives of struggling for Islamic ideology through the democratic process and not through ¿street parliaments,¿ and of being actively involved in strengthening democracy in their countries. This comparative study suggests that Islamic political parties in Southeast Asia can successfully participate in democracy in the region. The PKS and PAS have proven this to be so. If both parties are consistently playing their role in democratization and are given the opportunity to be ruling parties in the future, I believe that the stereotype of Islam as incompatible with democracy could finally be eliminated. The experience of PKS and PAS, which struggle through democratic processes in promoting their objectives, offers us a picture of the peaceful development of Muslim movements in Southeast Asia, which differs markedly from the dominant stereotypes of Islamic movements in this post-9/11 world.
Appears in Collections:Ph.D Theses (Open)

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