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Title: Modeling and acceleration of content delivery in world wide web
Keywords: Web retrieval, performance, modeling, acceleration, dependency, compression
Issue Date: 24-Nov-2005
Citation: YUAN JUNLI (2005-11-24). Modeling and acceleration of content delivery in world wide web. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: With the explosive growth of the web, web retrieval latency has become one of the principal concerns to most web users and web content providers. This thesis tackles the issues in the area of modeling and acceleration of web content delivery. We proposed a fine grained Web Retrieval Dependency Model (WRDM) to provide more precise capture of web retrieval process. Based on this model, we profoundly studied the factors in web retrieval process at various levels, including the detailed operation and chunk level, and page level. The results shed light on the details of object retrieval latency and the complicated relationship between object latency and page latency. Based on the findings from the studies using the WRDM model, we proposed some new ways to web acceleration. Experimental results show that these mechanisms can achieve considerable improvement on web retrieval latency.
Appears in Collections:Ph.D Theses (Open)

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