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Title: Distribution and biodiversity of Singapore gorgonians (sub-class Octocorallia) - a preliminary survey
Authors: Goh, N.K.C. 
Chou, L.M. 
Keywords: distribution
Issue Date: Jun-1994
Citation: Goh, N.K.C., Chou, L.M. (1994-06). Distribution and biodiversity of Singapore gorgonians (sub-class Octocorallia) - a preliminary survey. Hydrobiologia 285 (1-3) : 101-109. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: Preliminary surveys of the gorgonian fauna of Singapore show the existence of 6 families, comprising at least 11 genera and 21 species. The distribution of this fauna is closely related to the availability of a suitable substrata for settlement and growth. In addition, the greatest number of gorgonians, in terms of abundance and species richness, is found on the lower slopes and bottoms of the reefs in Singapore. The 'intermediate disturbance hypothesis' is applied to the data obtained and shown to be useful in making inferences on the state of succession of gorgonian communities. © 1994 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Source Title: Hydrobiologia
ISSN: 00188158
DOI: 10.1007/BF00005658
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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