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Title: Approximation of minimum energy surfaces using optimal twists
Authors: Qu, R. 
Ye, J.
Keywords: Approximation
Coons patch
Surface patch
Issue Date: Dec-1998
Citation: Qu, R., Ye, J. (1998-12). Approximation of minimum energy surfaces using optimal twists. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 28 (11) : 41-48. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: This paper gives a method for specifying the optimal 'twist vectors' at grid points for an interpolating surface to a rectangular network of curves. These twists are uniquely determined by minimizing an approximate energy form of the surface and can be obtained by solving a well-defined linear system.
Source Title: Mathematical and Computer Modelling
ISSN: 08957177
DOI: 10.1016/S0895-7177(98)00163-0
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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