Distinct white matter microstructural abnormalities and extracellular water increases relate to cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease with and without cerebrovascular disease
Ji F. ; Pasternak O. ; Liu S. ; Loke Y.M. ; ; ; Xu X. ; Ikram M.K. ; Venketasubramanian N. ; Chen C.L.-H. ... show 1 more
Pasternak O.
Alternative Title
Background: Mixed vascular and neurodegenerative dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD) with concomitant cerebrovascular disease, has emerged as the leading cause of age-related cognitive impairment. The brain white matter (WM) microstructural changes in neurodegeneration well-documented by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can originate from brain tissue or extracellular free water changes. The differential microstructural and free water changes in AD with and without cerebrovascular disease, especially in normal-appearing WM, remain largely unknown. To cover these gaps, we aimed to characterize the WM free water and tissue microstructural changes in AD and mixed dementia as well as their associations with cognition using a novel free water imaging method. Methods: We compared WM free water and free water-corrected DTI measures as well as white matter hyperintensity (WMH) in patients with AD with and without cerebrovascular disease, patients with vascular dementia, and age-matched healthy control subjects. Results: The cerebrovascular disease groups had higher free water than the non-cerebrovascular disease groups. Importantly, besides the cerebrovascular disease groups, patients with AD without cerebrovascular disease also had increased free water in normal-appearing WM compared with healthy control subjects, reflecting mild vascular damage. Such free water increases in WM or normal-appearing WM (but not WMH) contributed to dementia severity. Whole-brain voxel-wise analysis revealed a close association between widespread free water increases and poorer attention, executive functioning, visual construction, and motor performance, whereas only left hemispheric free water increases were related to language deficits. Moreover, compared with the original DTI metrics, the free water-corrected DTI metric revealed tissue damage-specific (frontal and occipital) microstructural differences between the cerebrovascular disease and non-cerebrovascular disease groups. In contrast to both lobar and subcortical/brainstem free water increases, only focal lobar microstructural damage was associated with poorer cognitive performance. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that free water analysis isolates probable mild vascular damage from WM microstructural alterations and underscore the importance of normal-appearing WM changes underlying cognitive and functional impairment in AD with and without cerebrovascular disease. Further developed, the combined free water and tissue neuroimaging assays could help in differential diagnosis, treatment planning, and disease monitoring of patients with mixed dementia. © 2017 The Author(s).
aged, Alzheimer disease, Article, attention, brain water, cerebrovascular disease, cognition assessment, cognitive defect, controlled study, dementia, diffusion tensor imaging, disease association, disease classification, disease course, disease severity, executive function, extracellular fluid, female, human, image analysis, language disability, major clinical study, male, motor performance, multiinfarct dementia, neurologic examination, priority journal, tissue structure, visual stimulation, voxel based morphometry, white matter lesion, Alzheimer disease, body water, brain, cerebrovascular disease, cognition, cognitive defect, cohort analysis, complication, dementia assessment, diagnostic imaging, diffusion weighted imaging, extracellular space, procedures, psychology, severity of illness index, white matter, Aged, Alzheimer Disease, Body Water, Brain, Cerebrovascular Disorders, Cognition, Cognitive Dysfunction, Cohort Studies, Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Extracellular Space, Female, Humans, Male, Mental Status and Dementia Tests, Severity of Illness Index, White Matter
Source Title
Alzheimer's Research and Therapy
Series/Report No.