Full Name
Tze Ping Loh
(not current staff)
Loh T.P.


Results 1-16 of 16 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12018A high carbohydrate, but not fat or protein meal attenuates postprandial ghrelin, PYY and GLP-1 responses in Chinese menRizi E.P.; Loh T.P. ; Baig S. ; Chhay V. ; Huang S. ; Quek J.C.; Tai E.S. ; Toh S.-A. ; Khoo C.M. 
22018A knowledge, attitude, and practice survey on mediation among clinicians in a tertiary-care hospital in SingaporeLin W.; Ling Z.J.; Liu S.; Beng Lee J.T.; Lim M.; Goh A.; Lim S.; Manning P.G. ; Feng M. ; Loh T.P. 
32016Age-related changes in the cardiometabolic profiles in Singapore resident adult population: Findings from the national health survey 2010Loh T.P. ; Ma S. ; Heng D. ; Khoo C.M. 
42016Contamination-controlled high-throughput whole genome sequencing for influenza A viruses using the MiSeq sequencerLee, H.K; Lee, C.K; Tang, J.W.-T; Loh, T.P ; Koay, E.S.-C 
52018Cost-benefit analysis of introducing next-generation sequencing (metagenomic) pathogen testing in the setting of pyrexia of unknown originChai J.H. ; Lee C.K.; Lee H.K.; Wong N.; Teo K.; Tan C.S. ; Thokala P.; Tang J.W.-T.; Tambyah P.A. ; Oh V.M.S. ; Loh T.P. ; Yoong J. 
62017Development of a clinical decision support system for diabetes care: A pilot studySim L.L.W.; Ban K.H.K. ; Tan T.W. ; Sethi S.K. ; Loh T.P. 
7Mar-2022Dynamic assessment of insulin secretion and insulin resistance in Asians with prediabetesMagkos, Faidon; Lee, Michelle H ; Lim, Maybritte ; Cook, Alex R ; Chhay, Vanna ; Loh, Tze Ping ; Chia, Kee Seng ; Baig, Sonia ; Ang, Ian Yi Han ; Tay, Joanne YY; Khoo, Chin Meng ; Halter, Jeffrey B ; Toh, Sue-Anne 
82018Evaluation of the luminex ARIES HSV 1&2 assay and comparison with the FTD neuro 9 and in-house real-time PCR assays for detecting herpes simplex virusesLee, C.K.; Chai, C.N.; Capinpin, S.M.; Ang, A.; Ng, S.Y.; Lee, P.L.; Ng, C.W.S.; Yan, G.; Lee, H.K.; Chiu, L.-L.; Jureen, R.; Yan, B.; Loh, T.P. 
924-Apr-2019Genes Involved in Oxidative Stress Pathways Are Differentially Expressed in Circulating Mononuclear Cells Derived From Obese Insulin-Resistant and Lean Insulin-Sensitive Individuals Following a Single Mixed-Meal ChallengeBaig, Sonia; Rizi, Ehsan Parvaresh; Chia, Chelsea; Shabeer, Muhammad; Aung, Nweni; LOH TZE PING ; Magkos, Faidon ; Vidal-Puig, Antonio; Seet, Raymond CS; Khoo, Chin Meng ; Toh, Sue-Anne
702017Impact of analytical and biological variations on classification of diabetes using fasting plasma glucose, oral glucose tolerance test and HbA1cChai, J.H ; Ma, S ; Heng, D; Yoong, J ; Lim, W.-Y; Toh, S.-A ; Loh, T.P 
112016Metabolic gene expression profile in circulating mononuclear cells reflects obesity-associated metabolic inflexibilityBaig, S ; Parvaresh Rizi, E; Shabeer, M ; Chhay, V ; Mok, S.F ; Loh, T.P ; Magkos, F ; Vidal-Puig, A; Tai, E.S ; Khoo, C.M ; Toh, S.-A 
122018Missed detection of significant positive and negative shifts in gentamicin assay: Implications for routine laboratory quality practicesKoerbin, G; Liu, J ; Eigenstetter, A; Tan, C.H ; Badrick, T; Loh, T.P 
135-Apr-2019Plasma Protein and MicroRNA Biomarkers of Insulin Resistance: A Network-Based Integrative -Omics AnalysisChoi, Hyungwon ; Koh, Hiromi WL; Zhou, Lihan ; Cheng, He ; Loh, Tze Ping ; Rizi, Ehsan Parvaresh; Toh, Sue Anne; Ronnett, Gabriele; Huang, Bevan E; Khoo, Chin Meng 
142016Recovery of spiked troponin I in four routine assaysLoh, T.P ; Lim, X.C; Kieu, K; Sajiir, H; Neo, S.F; Cheng, W.L; Sethi, S.K 
151-Dec-2018Screening for diabetes with HbA1c: Test performance of HbA1c compared to fasting plasma glucose among Chinese, Malay and Indian community residents in SingaporeLim W.-Y.; Ma S.; Heng D.; Tai E.S. ; Khoo C.M. ; Loh Tze Ping 
162018Visual and modular detection of pathogen nucleic acids with enzyme–DNA molecular complexesHo, N.R.Y; Lim, G.S; Sundah, N.R; Lim, D; Loh, T.P ; Shao, H