Full Name
May Ling June Lee
(not current staff)


Results 1-5 of 5 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
122-Sep-2023Group Model Building on causes and interventions for falls in Singapore: insights from a systems thinking approachLai, Wei Xuan; Chan, Angelique Wei-Ming ; Matchar, David Bruce ; Ansah, John Pastor ; Lien, Christopher Tsung Chien ; Ismail, Noor Hafizah; Wong, Chek Hooi ; Xu, Tianma; Ho, Vanda Wen Teng ; Tan, Pey June; Lee, June May Ling ; Sim, Rita Siew Choo; Manap, Normala 
2Feb-2022Impact of the Community-Based Health and Social Care programme on at-risk older adults’ psychosocial wellbeingAd Maulod; June Lee May Ling ; Tan Kok Yang ; Sasha Rouse ; Rahul Malhotra ; Angelique Chan 
31-Sep-2023Reducing Falls Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults From Clinicians' Perspectives: A Systems Modeling ApproachKoh, Vanessa Jean Wen; Matchar, David B ; Chan, Angelique Wei-Ming ; Lee, June May-Ling ; Lai, Wei Xuan; Rosario, Dulcie; George, Anne; Ho, Vanda; Ismail, Noor Hafizah Bte; Lien, Christopher Tsung Chien ; Merchant, Reshma A ; Tan, Shuyan Melissa; Wong, Chek Hooi ; Xu, Tianma
4Oct-2019Senior activity centres : challenges and possibilitiesJune Lee May Ling ; Normala Manap ; Angelique Chan ; Balambigai Balakrishnan
5Dec-2018Transitions in Health, Employment, Social Engagement And Intergenerational Transfers In Singapore Study (THE SIGNS Study) – I: Descriptive Statistics and Analysis of Key Aspects of Successful AgeingAngelique Chan ; Rahul Malhotra ; Normala Bte Manap; Yi Yuan Ting ; Abhijit Visaria ; Grand Hak-Land Cheng ; Veronica Shi Min Goh ; Peter Kay Chai Tay ; June May Ling Lee ; Ad Maulod