Full Name
Yang Zhenlin
Yang, Z.
Main Affiliation


Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11998A comparison of likelihood and Bayesian inference for the threshold parameter in the inverse Gaussian distributionDesmond, A.F.; Yang, Z. 
2Jun-2000A new statistic for regression transformationYang, Z. 
31998An alternative approximation to the variance of transformation scoreYang, Z. 
4Jul-2002An explicit variance formula for the Box-Cox functional form estimatorYang, Z. ; Abeysinghe, T. 
52002An investigation of transformation-based prediction interval for the Weibull median lifeYang, Z. ; See, S.P.; Xie, M. 
6Sep-1999Maximum likelihood predictive densities for the inverse Gaussian distribution with applications to reliability and lifetime predictionsYang, Z. 
71997More on the estimation of Box-Cox transformationYang, Z. 
8Jul-2000More on the MIS-specification of the shape parameter with Weibull-to-exponential transformationXie, M. ; Yang, Z. ; Gaudoin, O.
91998On robustness of usual confidence region under transformation misspecificationYang, Z. 
102001On the failure rate estimation of the inverse Gaussian distributionYang, Z. ; Lee, R.T.C. 
111999Predicting a Future Lifetime through Box-Cox TransformationYang, Z. 
122001Predicting a Future Median Life through a Power TransformationYang, Z. 
131999Predictive densities for the lognormal distribution and their applicationsYang, Z. 
141996Some asymptotic results on Box-Cox transformation methodologyYang, Z. 
1528-Jul-2003Transformation approaches for the construction of Weibull prediction intervalYang, Z. ; See, S.P.; Xie, M.