Full Name
Hock Ann, Lionel Wee
Lionel, W.
Wee, L.
Wee, Hock Ann Lionel
Wee, L.H.


Results 1-20 of 38 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Mar-2007A pedagogical application of liminalities in social positioning: Identity and literacy in SingaporeStroud, C.; Lionel, W. 
2Sep-2011A practice-based critique of English as a Lingua FrancaPark, J.S.-Y. ; Wee, L. 
32006Anxiety and identity in the language classroomStroud, C. ; Wee, L. 
42008Appropriating the language of the other: Performativity in autonomous and unified marketsPark, J.S.-Y. ; Wee, L. 
52010`Burdens' and 'handicaps' in Singapore's language policy: On the limits of language managementWee, L. 
62005Class-inclusion and correspondence models as discourse types: A framework for approaching metaphorical discourseWee, L. 
72005Constructing the source: Metaphor as a discourse strategyWee, L. 
8Jun-2007Consuming identities: Language planning and policy in Singaporean late modernityStroud, C.; Wee, L. 
915-Aug-2018Diversity management and the presumptive universality of categories: the case of the Indians in SingaporeRitu jain; Lionel Wee 
102001Divorce before marriage in the Singapore-Malaysia relationship: The invariance principle at workWee, L. 
112004`Extreme communicative acts' and the boosting of illocutionary forceWee, L. 
122005Intra-language discrimination and linguistic human rights: The case of singlishWee, L. 
132005Language policy and nationalist ideology: Statal narratives in SingaporeWee, L. ; Bokhorst-Heng, W.D.
14Jul-2011Language policy mistakes in Singapore: Governance, expertise and the deliberation of language ideologiesWee, L. 
152007Linguistic human rights and mobilityWee, L. 
162003Linguistic instrumentalism in SingaporeWee, L. 
172002Lor in colloquial Singapore EnglishWee, L. 
182011Metadiscursive convergence in the Singlish debateWee, L. 
19Feb-2012Neoliberalism and the regulation of consumers: Legalizing casinos in SingaporeWee, L. 
202010Neutrality in language policyWee, L.