Full Name
Koh-Tai, Bee Choo
Choo, T.B.
Tai, B.C.
Tai, B.-C.
Tai, B.
Koh, B.C.


Results 1-20 of 63 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Nov-2011A comparative study of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI parameters as biomarkers for anti-angiogenic drug therapyKoh, T.S.; Thng, C.H.; Hartono, S.; Tai, B.C. ; Rumpel, H.; Ong, A.B.; Sukri, N.; Soo, R.A. ; Wong, C.I.; Low, A.S.C.; Humerickhouse, R.A.; Goh, B.C.
2Jul-2013A single-center experience of transitioning from a routine transfemoral to a transradial intervention approach in ST-elevation myocardial infarction: Impact on door-to-balloon time and clinical outcomesKajiya, T.; Agahari, F.; Wai, K.L.; Tai, B.-C. ; Lee, C.-H.; Chan, K.-H.; Teo, S.G.; Richards, A.M.; Tan, H.-C.; Low, A.F.; Chan, M.Y.
32011A study on Singaporean women's acceptance of using mobile phones to seek health informationLim, S.; Xue, L. ; Yen, C.C. ; Chang, L.; Chan, H.C. ; Tai, B.C. ; Duh, H.B.L.; Choolani, M.
4Dec-2012Adiponectin profile in asian patients undergoing coronary revascularization and its association with plaque vulnerability: IDEAS-ADIPO studyLee, C.-H.; Hau, W.K.T.; Tai, B.-C. ; Chan, M.Y.; Saw, B.; Phua, Q.-H.; Low, A.F.; Yeo, T.-C.; Richards, A.M.; Tan, H.-C.
5Jul-2013All-cause and cause-specific mortality after hip fracture among Chinese women and men: The Singapore Chinese Health StudyKoh, G.C.-H. ; Tai, B.C. ; Ang, L.-W.; Heng, D.; Yuan, J.-M.; Koh, W.-P. 
62009An association between floor vacuuming and dust-mite and serum eosinophil cationic protein in young asthmaticsKoh, G.C.H. ; Tai, B.C. ; Wee, A.; Ng, V.; Koh, D. ; Shek, L.P. ; Kee, J.
72013An elevated pro-inflammatory cytokine response is linked to development of amphotericin B-induced nephrotoxicityChai, L.Y.A.; Netea, M.G.; Tai, B.C. ; Khin, L.W.; Vonk, A.G.; Teo, B.W.; Schlamm, H.T.; Herbrecht, R.; Donnelly, J.P.; Troke, P.F.; Kullberg, B.-J.
82012An exploratory study of ageing women's perception on access to health informatics via a mobile phone-based interventionXue, L. ; Yen, C.C. ; Chang, L.; Chan, H.C. ; Tai, B.C. ; Tan, S.B.; Duh, H.B.L. ; Choolani, M.
919-May-2011Analysis and design of randomised clinical trials involving competing risks endpointsTai, B.-C. ; Wee, J.; Machin, D.
10Nov-2012Angiographic and platelet reactivity outcomes with prasugrel 60 mg pretreatment and clopidogrel 600 mg pretreatment in primary percutaneous coronary interventionLi, Y.; Tai, B.-C. ; Sia, W.; Phua, Q.-H.; Richards, M.A.; Low, A.; Chan, K.-H.; Teo, S.-G. ; Sim, T.-B.; Lee, C.-H.; Roe, M.T.; Yeo, T.-C.; Tan, H.-C.; Chan, M.Y.
11Jun-2010Autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells versus autologous chondrocyte implantation: An observational cohort studyNejadnik, H.; Hui, J.H.; Choong, E.P.F.; Tai, B.-C. ; Eng Hin Lee
12May-2013Blood loss in spinal tumour surgery and surgery for metastatic spinal disease: A meta-analysisChen, Y.; Tai, B.C. ; Nayak, D.; Kumar, N.; Chua, K.H.; Lim, J.W.; Goy, R.W.L.; Wong, H.K.
13Apr-2013Cell-based therapy improves function in adolescents and young adults with patellar osteochondritis dissecans pediatricsTeo, B.J.X.; Buhary, K.; Tai, B.-C. ; Hui, J.H.
14Feb-2008Clinical experience of StarClose vascular closure device in patients with first and recurrent femoral puncturesTay, E.L.-W.; Co, M.; Tai, B.-C. ; Lee, Y.P.; Low, A.; Lim, Y.-T.; Tan, H.-C.; Lee, C.-H.
15Aug-2010Comparison of clinical outcomes and cost between surgical and transcatheter device closure of atrial septal defects in Singapore childrenQuek, S.C.; Hota, S.; Tai, B.C. ; Mujumdar, S.; Tok, M.Y.
16Nov-2013Comparison of creatinine based and kidney volume based methods of estimating glomerular filtration rates in potential living kidney donorsGoh, Y.S.B.; Wu, M.W.F.; Tai, B.C. ; Lee, K.C.J.; Raman, L.; Teo, B.W.; Vathsala, A.; Tiong, H.Y.
17Jan-2012Correlation between high density lipoprotein-cholesterol and remodeling index in patients with coronary artery disease: IDEAS (IVUS diagnostic evaluation of atherosclerosis in Singapore)-HDL studyLee, C.-H.; Tai, B.-C. ; Lim, G.-H.; Chan, M.Y.; Low, A.F.; Tan, K.C.; Chia, B.-L.; Tan, H.-C.
18Jun-2013Effects of a written asthma action plan on caregivers' management of children with asthma: A cross-sectional questionnaire surveyTan, N.C.; Chen, Z.; Soo, W.F.; Ngoh, A.S.H.; Tai, B.C. 
192013Excessive daytime sleepiness is associated with longer culprit lesion and adverse outcomes in patients with coronary artery diseaseLee, C.-H.; Ng, W.-Y. ; Hau, W.; Ho, H.-H.; Tai, B.-C. ; Chan, M.Y.; Richards, A.M.; Tan, H.-C.
2015-Mar-2008First-event or marginal estimation of cause-specific hazards for analysing correlated multivariate failure-time data?Tai, B.-C. ; De Stavola, B.L.; de Gruttola, V.; Gebski, V.; Machin, D.