Full Name
Tan Chin Yaw
(not current staff)
Yaw, T.C.
Tan, C.Y.

Results 1-20 of 32 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
114-Mar-2005Al2O3-incorporation effect on the band structure of Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin filmsZheng, Y.B.; Wang, S.J.; Huan, A.C.H. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Yan, L. ; Ong, C.K. 
2Mar-2008Analysis of conductor loss in interdigital capacitor based measurement of dielectric constant of ferroelectric thin filmWang, P. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Ma, Y.G. ; Cheng, W.N.; Ong, C.K. 
3Mar-2006Analysis of quality factors of spiral resonatorsWang, P. ; Chen, L.; Tan, C.Y. ; Ong, C.K. 
41-Dec-1999Anomalous microwave response of high-temperature superconducting thin-film microstrip resonator in weak dc magnetic fieldsRao, X.S. ; Ong, C.K. ; Jin, B.B. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Xu, S.Y. ; Chen, P. ; Li, J. ; Feng, Y.P. 
5Jan-2001Anomalous weak link model for microwave surface impedance of YBa2Cu3O7-δ films in a weak dc magnetic fieldJin, B.B. ; Ong, C.K. ; Rao, X.S. ; Tan, C.Y. 
618-Oct-2004Ba 0.5Sr 0.5TiO 3-Bi 1.5Zn 1.0Nb 1.5O 7 composite thin films with promising microwave dielectric properties for microwave device applicationsYan, L. ; Kong, L.B. ; Chen, L.F. ; Chong, K.B.; Tan, C.Y. ; Ong, C.K. 
7Sep-2004Ba0.1Sr0.9TiO3-BaTi4O 9 composite thin films with improved microwave dielectric propertiesYan, L. ; Chen, L.F. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Ong, C.K. ; Rahman, M.A.; Osipowicz, T. 
82005Broadband complex permeability characterization of magnetic thin films using shorted microstrip transmission-line perturbationLiu, Y. ; Chen, L. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Liu, H.J.; Ong, C.K. 
9Jun-2007Co-based nanogranular thin films on flexible substrate for gigahertz applicationsLiu, Z.W. ; Liu, Y. ; Ma, Y.G. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Ong, C.K. 
10Jun-2003Cross-coupled dual-spiral high-temperature superconducting filterTan, C.Y. ; Chen, L. ; Lu, J.; Rao, X.S. ; Ong, C.K. 
119-Jan-2003Design of one-dimensional microstrip bandstop filters with continuous patterns based on Fourier transformRao, X.S. ; Chen, L. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Lu, J.; Ong, C.K. 
121-Aug-2004Enhanced low field magnetoresistance of Al2O3-La 0.7Sr0.3MnO3 composite thin films via a pulsed laser depositionYan, L. ; Kong, L.B. ; Yang, T.; Goh, W.C. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Ong, C.K. ; Rahman, Md.A.; Osipowicz, T. ; Ren, M.Q. 
132007FeCoSiN film with ordered FeCo nanoparticles embedded in a Si-rich matrixLiu, Y. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Liu, Z.W. ; Ong, C.K. 
1421-Nov-2007Ferromagnetic resonance frequency tuning of FeTaN thin films by strips patterning with angular displacementsTan, C.Y. ; Chen, X.; Ma, Y.G. ; Liu, Y. ; Liu, Z.W. ; Ong, C.K. 
152006High frequency characteristics of FeCoN thin films fabricated by sputtering at various (Ar+N2) gas flow ratesLiu, Y. ; Liu, Z.W. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Ong, C.K. 
16Oct-1999High-temperature superconducting bandpass spiral filterOng, C.K. ; Chen, L. ; Lu, J.; Tan, C.Y. ; Tan, B.T.G. 
17Apr-2000High-temperature superconducting dual-spiral resonators and their application in filter miniaturizationChen, L. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Lu, J.; Ong, C.K. ; Tan, B.T.G. 
181-Feb-2004Improvement of dielectric loss tangent of Al2O3 doped Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin films for tunable microwave devicesChong, K.B.; Kong, L.B. ; Chen, L. ; Yan, L. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Yang, T.; Ong, C.K. ; Osipowicz, T. 
192006Magnetic anisotropy and high frequency permeability of multilayered nanocomposite FeAlO thin filmsMa, Y.G. ; Liu, Y. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Liu, Z.W. ; Ong, C.K. 
202007Microstructure and high frequency properties of nanogranular CoAlO thin filmsLiu, Y. ; Tan, C.Y. ; Liu, Z.W. ; Ong, C.K.