Full Name
Yap Gek Sim,Miranda
(not current staff)
Yap, M.G.S.
Yap, M.
Yap, M.G.
Yap, M.G.-S.
Yap, Miranda G.S.


Results 41-60 of 68 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4124-Nov-2009Mechanisms of protein stabilization and prevention of protein aggregation by glycerolVagenende, V.; Yap, M.G.S. ; Trout, B.L.
4220-Jan-2011Metabolomics-based identification of apoptosis-inducing metabolites in recombinant fed-batch CHO culture mediaChong, W.P.K.; Yusufi, F.N.K.; Lee, D.-Y. ; Reddy, S.G.; Wong, N.S.C.; Heng, C.K.; Yap, M.G.S. ; Ho, Y.S.
43Mar-1992Mixed- and plug-flow performances of an anaerobic biofilter treating 2-ethylhexanoic acidChua, H.; Yap, M.G.S. ; Ng, W.J. 
44Sep-1995Modeling and simulation of mixed-culture interactions in anaerobiosis of inhibitory substrateChua, H.; Yap, M.G.S. ; Ng, N.J.
452009Molecular anatomy of preferential interaction coefficients by elucidating protein solvation in mixed solvents: Methodology and application for lysozyme in aqueous glycerolVagenende, V.; Yap, M.G.S. ; Trout, B.L.
461-Mar-2009Mutated polyadenylation signals for controlling expression levels of multiple genes in mammalian cellsYang, Y.; Mariati; Ho, S.C.L.; Yap, M.G.S. 
47Apr-2008Overexpression of cold-inducible RNA-binding protein increases interferon-gamma production in Chinese-hamster ovary cells.Tan, H.K.; Lee, M.M.; Yap, M.G. ; Wang, D.I.
481992Performance of an anaerobic biofilter for 2-Ethylhexanoic acid degradationYap, M.G.S. ; Ng, W.J. ; Chua, H.
491994Performance of upflow anaerobic biofilter process in pharmaceutical wastewater treatmentChen, Y.F.; Ng, W.J. ; Yap, M.G.S. 
50Jul-1993Production & purification of recombinant tumour necrosis factor-beta.Mak, K.W.; Loh, K.C. ; Yap, M.G. 
5115-Oct-2010Profiling of N-glycosylation gene expression in CHO cell fed-batch culturesWong, D.C.F.; Wong, N.S.C.; Goh, J.S.Y.; May, L.M.; Yap, M.G.S. 
52Feb-1994Rapid purification of recombinant human tumor necrosis factor betaLoh, K.C. ; Yao, Z.J. ; Yap, M.G.S. ; Chung, M.C.M.
53Mar-2010Regulation of XBP-1 signaling during transient and stable recombinant protein production in CHO cellsKu, S.C.Y.; Toh, P.C.; Lee, Y.Y.; Chusainow, J.; Yap, M.G.S. ; Chao, S.-H.
541987Resistance of radiation-induced tropical wood-polymer composites to fungal degradationChia, L.H.L. ; Lim, V.S.L. ; Yap, M.G.S. 
5531-Jan-1997Role of polyethyleneimine in the purification of recombinant human tumour necrosis factor betaLoh, K.C. ; Yao, Z.J. ; Yap, M.G.S. ; Chung, M.C.M.
56Nov-2010Simultaneous targeting of requiem & Alg-2 in Chinese hamster ovary cells for improved recombinant protein productionLim, Y.; Mantalaris, A.; Yap, M.G.S. ; Wong, D.C.F.
571993Substantial overproduction of antibodies by applying osmotic pressure and sodium butyrateOh, S.K.W. ; Vig, P.; Chua, F. ; Teo, W.K. ; Yap, M.G.S. 
582006Targeting early apoptotic genes in batch and fed-batch CHO cell culturesWong, D.C.F.; Wong, K.T.K.; Nissom, P.M.; Yap, M.G.S. ; Heng, C.K. 
591989Thermal characterization of rubberwood-polymer compositesChan, K.Y.; Yap, M.G.S. ; Chia, L.H.L. ; Neoh, K.G. 
605-Dec-1991Thermal properties of tropical wood-polymer compositesYap, M.G.S. ; Que, Y.T.; Chia, L.H.L. ; Chan, H.S.O.