Full Name
Lin Yue Yung
Yue Lanry Yung, L.
Yung, L.-Y.L.
Yung, L-Y.L.
Yung, Lin Yue
Yung, L.Y.L.
Lanry Yung, L.-Y.
Lanry Yung, L.


Results 21-40 of 76 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
212-Mar-2012Dielectrophoretic capture voltage spectrum for measurement of dielectric properties and separation of cancer cellsWu, L.; Lanry Yung, L. ; Lim, K. 
22Feb-2007Difference in "base pair to termini" affects the enzymatic digestion of nanoparticle-bonded DNATan, W.L. ; Qin, W. ; Yung, L.Y.L. 
232010Dimeric gold nanoparticle assembly for detection and discrimination of single nucleotide mutation in Duchenne muscular dystrophyQin, W.J.; Yung, L.-Y.L. ; Yim, O.S. ; Lai, P.S. 
2418-Dec-2015DNA-Directed Assembly of Nanogold Dimers: A Unique Dynamic Light Scattering Sensing Probe for Transcription Factor DetectionSeow, Nianjia ; Tan, Yen Nee ; Yung, Lin-Yue Lanry ; Su, Xiaodi 
25Nov-2006Efficient manipulation of nanoparticle-bound DNA via restriction endonucleaseQin, W.J. ; Yung, L.Y.L. 
26May-2008Electro-spinning of pure collagen nano-fibres - Just an expensive way to make gelatin?Zeugolis, D.I. ; Khew, S.T.; Yew, E.S.Y. ; Ekaputra, A.K. ; Tong, Y.W. ; Yung, L.-Y.L. ; Hutmacher, D.W. ; Sheppard, C. ; Raghunath, M. 
2719-Aug-2016Engineering a robust DNA split proximity circuit with minimized circuit leakageAng, Yan Shan ; Tong, Rachel; Yung, Lin-Yue Lanry 
281-Jan-2014Engineering self-contained DNA circuit for proximity recognition and localized signal amplification of target biomoleculesAng, Yan Shan ; Yung, Lin-Yue Lanry 
92009Enhanced biological stability of collagen with incorporation of PAMAM dendrimerZhong, S. ; Yung, L.Y.L. 
101-Dec-2022Enzyme-free and isothermal discrimination of microRNA point mutations using a DNA split proximity circuit with turn-on fluorescence readoutAng, YS ; Qiu, X; Yam, HM; Wu, N; Lanry Yung, LY 
1111-Jun-2013Ethylenediamine-assisted ligand exchange and phase transfer of oleophilic quantum dots: Stripping of original ligands and preservation of photoluminescenceDai, M.-Q.; Yung, L.-Y.L. 
121-Jul-2010Folate-conjugated polymer micelles with pH-triggered drug release propertiesZhao, H.; Duong, H.H.P. ; Yung, L.Y.L. 
13Nov-2005Formation of collagen - Glycosaminoglycan blended nanofibrous scaffolds and their biological propertiesZhong, S. ; Teo, W.E.; Zhu, X.; Beuerman, R.; Ramakrishna, S. ; Yung, L.Y.L. 
14Aug-2011Genomic instability of gold nanoparticle treated human lung fibroblast cellsLi, J.J.; Lo, S.-L.; Ng, C.-T. ; Gurung, R.L.; Hartono, D. ; Hande, M.P.; Ong, C.-N. ; Bay, B.-H.; Yung, L.Y.L. 
15Aug-2011Gold nanoparticles in cancer therapyLim, Z.-Z.J.; Li, J.-E.J.; Ng, C.-T. ; Yung, L.-Y.L. ; Bay, B.-H.
162008Gold nanoparticles induce oxidative damage in lung fibroblasts in vitroLi, J.J.; Yung, L.-Y.L. ; Hartono, D.; Bay, B.-H.; Zou, L. ; Ong, C.-N.
1715-Apr-2014Gold nanostructures for the multiplex detection of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase gene mutationsSeow, N.; Lai, P.S.; Yung, L.-Y.L. 
187-May-2013Head-to-tail: Hybridization and single-mismatch discrimination in metallic nanoparticle-DNA assemblyFong, K.E.; Yung, L.-Y.L. 
192-Apr-2013High-resolution 3D imaging and quantification of gold nanoparticles in a whole cell using scanning transmission ion microscopyChen, X.; Chen, C.-B. ; Udalagama, C.N.B. ; Ren, M. ; Fong, K.E.; Yung, L.Y.L. ; Giorgia, P. ; Bettiol, A.A. ; Watt, F. 
202008Imaging of interactions between nanoparticles and phospholipids using ordering transitions of liquid crystalsHartono, D. ; Yang, K.-L. ; Yung, L.-Y.L.