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Xie Min
(not current staff)
Min, X.
Xie, M.

Results 181-200 of 277 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18115-May-2004Optimal number of hosts in a distributed system based on cost criteriaXie, M. ; Dai, Y.S.; Poh, K.L. ; Lai, C.D.
1825-Dec-2010Optimal redundant scheduling of grid tasks based on fault recoveryGuo, S.; Huang, H.; Xu, H.; Wan, H.; Xie, M. 
183Jan-2011Optimal software maintenance policy considering unavailable timeXiong, C.-J.; Xie, M. ; Ng, S.-H. 
41-Oct-2010Optimal testing strategies in overlapped design processQian, Y.; Xie, M. ; Goh, T.N. ; Lin, J.
515-Apr-2003Optimal testing-resource allocation with genetic algorithm for modular software systemsDai, Y.S.; Xie, M. ; Poh, K.L. ; Yang, B.
62008Optimization of feature weights and number of neighbors for analogy based cost estimation in software project managementLi, Y.F.; Xie, M. ; Goh, T.N. 
7May-1996Optimizing environmental stress screening using mathematical programmingMok, Y.L.; Xie, M. 
8May-2013Optimizing maritime travel time reliabilityPrabhu Gaonkar, R.S.; Xie, M. ; Huang, H.-Z.
9Feb-2007Optimizing product design using quantitative quality function deployment: A case studyLai, X.; Tan, K.-C. ; Xie, M. 
102004Optimizing product design using the Kano model and QFDLai, X.; Xie, M. ; Tan, K.C. 
11Oct-2003Optimizing survivability of multi-state systems with multi-level protection by multi-processor genetic algorithmLevitin, G.; Dai, Y.; Xie, M. ; Poh, K.L. 
122000Optimum prioritisation and resource allocation based on fault tree analysisXie, M. ; Tan, K.C. ; Goh, K.H.; Huang, X.R.
13Feb-2011Outlier identification and robust parameter estimation in a zero-inflated Poisson modelYang, J.; Xie, M. ; Goh, T.N. 
142007Parameter estimation in reliability modeling of distributed detection systemsLong, Q.; Xie, M. ; Ng, S.H. 
15Jun-2006Performance distribution of a fault-tolerant system in the presence of failure correlationLevitin, G.; Xie, M. 
162011Performance-based Burn-in for products sold with warrantyYe, Z.S.; Tang, L.C. ; Xie, M. 
17Jan-1996Planning environmental stress-screening based on DOD-HDBK-344 - A case studyMok, Y.L.; Xie, M. ; Goh, T.N. 
182004Planning of step-stress accelerated degradation testTang, L.C. ; Yang, G.Y.; Xie, M. 
191995Positive management orientation for continuous improvementYeo, C.H. ; Goh, T.N. ; Xie, M. 
201997Practical method for the estimation of software reliability growth in the early stage of testingXie, M. ; Hong, G.Y.; Wohlin, C.