Full Name
Chong, Yea Hwe
Chong, Y.H.
Main Affiliation


Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Nov-1991Defects in automixed addition silicone elastomers prepared by putty-wash impression technique.Soh, G. ; Chong, Y.H. 
2Feb-1992Dental state and needs for episodic care of institutionalized elderly in an Asian communitySoh, G.; Chong, Y.H. ; Ong, G.
31990Determination of an optimal magnification for examining voids in elastomeric impressions.Soh, G. ; Chong, Y.H. 
4Jun-1991Effect of interchanging automatic mixing tips on void formation for an automixed addition silicone impression.Chong, Y.H. ; Soh, G. ; Lim, K.C.
5Nov-1993Effect of loading and syringing on void formation in automixed addition silicone elastomers.Chong, Y.H. ; Soh, G. ; Lim, K.C.
6Feb-1992Effect of operator variability on void formation in impressions made with an automixed addition silicone.Lim, K.C.; Chong, Y.H. ; Soh, G. 
7Nov-1991Effectiveness of intraoral delivery tips in reducing voids in elastomeric impressions.Chong, Y.H. ; Soh, G. 
8Dec-1992Periodontal status of institutionalized elderly in Singapore.Ong, G. ; Soh, G. ; Chong, Y.H. 
9May-1991Porosities in five automixed addition silicone elastomers.Chong, Y.H. ; Soh, G. ; Lim, K.C.; Teo, C.S. 
10Mar-1993Radiation dosage of a dental imaging system.Soh, G. ; Loh, F.C. ; Chong, Y.H. 
111990Relationship between critical convergence angle and surface defects in stone casts.Soh, G. ; Chong, Y.H. 
121991Relationship of viscosity to porosities in automixed elastomeric impressionsSoh, G. ; Chong, Y.H. 
131993Single discolored tooth: an alternative treatment approach.Chong, Y.H. 
141990The relationship between contact angles of die stone on elastomeric impression materials and voids in stone castsChong, Y.H. ; Soh, G. ; Setchell, D.J.; Wickens, J.L.
151990Wettability of elastomeric impression materials: A comparative study of two measuresChong, Y.H. ; Soh, G. ; Setchell, D.J.