Full Name
Leong Chuan Kwek
Kwek, Leong-Chuan
Kwek L.-C.
Kwek, L.C.
Kwek, L.-C.
Leong, C.K.
Kwek L.C.


Results 121-140 of 174 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12126-Nov-2004Quantum nonlocality of Heisenberg XX model with site-dependent coupling strengthWu, C. ; Chen, J.-L. ; Tong, D.M. ; Kwek, L.C. ; Oh, C.H. 
6228-Aug-2013Quantum nonlocality of massive qubits in a moving frameSu, H.-Y.; Wu, Y.-C.; Chen, J.-L. ; Wu, C.; Kwek, L.C. 
632006Quantum nonlocality of N -qubit W statesWu, C. ; Chen, J.-L.; Kwek, L.C. ; Oh, C.H. 
642012Quantum phases with differing computational powerCui, J.; Gu, M.; Kwek, L.C. ; Santos, M.F.; Fan, H.; Vedral, V. 
6518-Dec-2000Quantum roulette: An extended quantum strategyWang, X.-B. ; Kwek, L.C. ; Oh, C.H. 
662016Quantum State Transmission in a Superconducting Charge Qubit-Atom HybridYu, D ; Valado, M.M ; Hufnagel, C ; Kwek, L.C ; Amico, L ; Dumke, R 
671-Jan-2005Quantum tomographic cryptography with Bell diagonal states: Nonequivalence of classical and quantum distillation protocolsKaszlikowski, D. ; Lim, J.Y.; Oi, D.K.L.; Willeboordse, F.H. ; Gopinathan, A.; Kwek, L.C. 
8May-2004Quantum tunneling timeWang, Z.S.; Kwek, L.C. ; Lai, C.H. ; Oh, C.H. 
911-Dec-2006Quantum tunneling via quantum geometric phaseWang, Z.S. ; Kwek, L.C. ; Lai, C.H. ; Oh, C.H. 
1016-Oct-2013Quantum Zeno effect of general quantum operationsLi, Y.; Herrera-Martí, D.A.; Kwek, L.C. 
11Sep-2005Quantum-tomographic cryptography with a semiconductor single-photon sourceKaszlikowski, D. ; Kwek, L.C. ; Yang, L.J.; Yong, L.S.; Willeboordse, F.H. 
12Jan-2003Quartic anharmonic oscillator and non-hermiticityChen, J.-L. ; Kwek, L.C. ; Oh, C.H. 
1317-May-2012Quasideterministic realization of a universal quantum gate in a single scattering processCiccarello, F.; Browne, D.E.; Kwek, L.C. ; Schomerus, H.; Zarcone, M.; Bose, S.
148-Feb-2012Realizing the multiparticle Hanbury Brown-Twiss interferometer using nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond crystalsDai, L.; Kwek, L.C. 
152018Relaxation of rabi dynamics in a superconducting multiple-qubit circuitYu, D. ; Kwek, L.C. ; Dumke, R. 
1628-Jul-2008Repeat-until-success distributed quantum computation by using single-photon interference at a beam splitterFeng, X.-L. ; Qian, J.; Kwek, L.C. ; Oh, C.H. 
172006Repeat-until-success quantum computing using stationary and flying qubitsLim, Y.L.; Barrett, S.D.; Beige, A.; Kok, P.; Kwek, L.C. 
182013Requirement of dissonance in assisted optimal state discriminationZhang, F.-L.; Chen, J.-L. ; Kwek, L.C. ; Vedral, V. 
191-Sep-2021Roadmap on Atomtronics: State of the art and perspectiveAmico, L. ; Boshier, M.; Birkl, G.; Minguzzi, A.; Miniatura, C. ; Kwek, L.-C. ; Davit Aghamalyan ; Ahufinger, V.; Anderson, D.; Andrei, N.; Arnold, A.S.; Baker, M.; Bell, T.A.; Bland, T.; Brantut, J.P.; Cassettari, D.; Chetcuti, W.J.; Chevy, F.; Citro, R.; De Palo, S.; Dumke, R. ; Edwards, M.; Folman, R.; Fortagh, J.; Gardiner, S.A.; Garraway, B.M.; Gauthier, G.; Günther, A.; Haug, T.; Christoph Hufnagel ; Keil, M.; Ireland, P.; Lebrat, M.; Li, W.; Longchambon, L.; Mompart, J.; Morsch, O.; Naldesi, P.; Neely, T.W.; Olshanii, M.; Orignac, E.; Pandey, S.; Pérez-Obiol, A.; Perrin, H.; Piroli, L.; Polo, J.; Pritchard, A.L.; Proukakis, N.P.; Rylands, C.; Rubinsztein-Dunlop, H.; Scazza, F.; Stringari, S.; Tosto, F.; Trombettoni, A.; Victorin, N.; Klitzing, W.V.; Wilkowski, D. ; Xhani, K.; Yakimenko, A.
2027-Jul-2021Robust semi-device-independent certification of all pure bipartite maximally entangled states via quantum steeringShrotriya, Harshank; Bharti, Kishor; Kwek, Leong-Chuan