Full Name
Tan Cheong Huat
(not current staff)
Cheong Huat Tan
Tan, C.H.
Tan, C.-H.
Cheong-Huat Tan
Main Affiliation


Results 21-30 of 30 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21Jun-1992Steroid metabolism in teleost gonads: purification and identification of metabolites by high-performance liquid chromatographyVenkatesh, B. ; Cheong Huat Tan ; Kime, D.E.; Toong Jin Lam 
22Mar-1992Steroid production by ovarian follicles of the viviparous guppy (Poecilia reticulata) and its regulation by precursor substrates, dibutyryl cAMP and forskolinVenkatesh, B. ; Tan, C.H. ; Lam, T.J. 
231-Jun-2022Strategies to Mitigate Establishment under the Wolbachia Incompatible Insect TechniqueSoh, Stacy; Ho, Soon Hoe; Ong, Janet; Seah, Annabel; Dickens, Borame Sue ; Tan, Ken Wei ; Koo, Joel Ruihan; Cook, Alex R ; Sim, Shuzhen; Tan, Cheong Huat ; Ng, Lee Ching; Lim, Jue Tao 
4Oct-1998Synthesis of 17,20α/β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one and 5β-pregnanes in spermatozoa of primary and 17α-methyltestosterone-induced secondary male grouper (Epinephelus coioides)Lee, S.T.L.; Kime, D.E.; Lam, T.J. ; Tan, C.H. 
5Dec-1997The effects of oestradiol on the prolactin and growth hormone content of the pituitary of the tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, with observations on the incidence of black malesPoh, L.-H.; Munro, A.D. ; Tan, C.-H. 
614-Apr-1987The ihibition of 3βHSD activity in porcine granulosa cells by 4-MA, a potent 5α-reductase inhibitorChan, W.K. ; Fong, C.Y.; Tiong, H.H.; Tan, C.H. 
71987The inhibition of 3βHSD activity in porcine granulosa cells by 4-MA, a potent 5α-reductase inhibitorChan, W.K. ; Fong, C.Y.; Tiong, H.H.; Tan, C.H. 
81987The use of laser on acupuncture points for smoking cessationTan, C.H. ; Sin, Y.M. ; Huang, X.G.
91991Vitellogenin purification and development of assay for vitellogenin receptor in oocyte membranes of the tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, Linnaeus 1766)Chan, S.L.; Tan, C.H. ; Pang, M.K.; Lam, T.J. 
10Dec-2002Ziwi, the zebrafish homologue of the Drosophila piwi: Co-localization with vasa at the embryonic genital ridge and gonad-specific expression in the adultsTan, C.-H. ; Lee, T.-C.; Weeraratne, S.D.; Korzh, V. ; Lim, T.-M. ; Gong, Z.