Full Name
Wang Qing-Guo
(not current staff)
Wang, Q.
Wang, Q.G.
Wang, Qing Guo
Wang, Qing-Guo
Wang, Q.-G.
Qing-Guo, W.
Wang, Q.X.

Results 241-260 of 273 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
241Jul-2012Set-values filtering for discrete time-delay genetic regulatory networks with time-varying parametersZhang, D.; Song, H.; Yu, L.; Wang, Q.-G. ; Ong, C. 
2421999Simple technique for batch process optimization with application to crystallizationGe, Ming; Wang, Qing-Guo ; Chiu, Min-Sen ; Lee, Tong-Heng ; Hang, Chang-Chieh ; Teo, Kim-Hock
2432009Simplification of atmospheric models for real-time wind forecastWang, Q.-G. ; Ye, Z.; Lim, L.I.
24414-Sep-2005Simplified identification of time-delay systems with nonzero initial conditions from pulse testsWang, Q.-G. ; Liu, M.; Hang, C.C. 
245Dec-2001Single-loop controller design via IMC principlesWang, Q.-G. ; Hang, C.C. ; Yang, X.-P.
246Aug-2006Stability and stabilization of a class of fuzzy time-delay descriptor systemsLin, C. ; Wang, Q.-G. ; Lee, T.H. 
2472007Stability conditions for time-delay fuzzy systems using fuzzy weighting-dependent approachLin, C. ; Wang, Q.-G. ; Lee, T.H. ; He, Y. 
248Jun-2004Stability criteria and bounds for limit cycles of relay feedback systemsLin, C. ; Wang, Q.-G. ; Lee, T.H. ; Loh, A.P. ; Kwek, K.H. 
249Jun-2010Stabilization and control of general unstable processes with large dead timeLee, S.C.; Wang, Q.-G. ; Zheng, W.X.; Sivakumaran, N.
2502008Stabilization and control of unstable processes with large dead time?Lee, S.C.; Wang, Q.-G. ; Zheng, W.X.; Sivakumaran, N.
251Jul-2010Stabilization conditions for a class of unstable delay processes of higher orderLee, S.C.; Wang, Q.-G. 
252Feb-2010Stabilization of all-pole unstable delay processes by simple controllersLee, S.C.; Wang, Q.-G. ; Xiang, C. 
2532006Stabilization of second-order unstable delay processes by PID controllersWang, Q.-G. ; Cheng, X. ; Lu, X.
254Sep-2007Stabilization of second-order unstable delay processes by simple controllersXiang, C. ; Wang, Q.G. ; Lu, X.; Nguyen, L.A.; Lee, T.H. 
15Dec-2005Stabilization of uncertain fuzzy time-delay systems via variable structure control approachLin, C. ; Wang, Q.-G. ; Lee, T.H. 
16Jul-2010Stabilizing control for a class of delay unstable processesLee, S.C.; Wang, Q.-G. ; Nguyen, L.B.
1720-Feb-2007Stable model reduction for time delay systemsWang, Q.-G. ; Yang, X.-P.; Liu, M.; Ye, Z.; Lu, X.
18Apr-2006State-space digital PI controller design for linear stochastic multivariable systems with input delayZhou, H.-Q.; Shieh, L.-S.; Liu, C.R.; Wang, Q.-G. 
192005State-space digital PID controller design for linear stochastic multivariable systems with input delayZhou, H.-Q.; Shieh, L.-S.; Wang, Q.-G. ; Liu, C.R.
201-Sep-2009Stationary oscillation for high-order Hopfield neural networks with time delays and impulsesZhang, Y.; Wang, Q.-G.