Full Name
Beng Hee, Reginald Tan
Tan, R.
Tan R.B.H
Tan, Beng Hee Reginald
Tan, R.B.H.
Tan, R.B.
Tan R.B.H.


Results 61-80 of 222 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
61May-2006Determination of critical supersaturation from microdroplet evaporation experimentsHe, G.; Bhamidi, V.; Tan, R.B.H. ; Kenis, P.J.A.; Zukoski, C.F.
622006Developing a systematic design approach to tailor crystal size distribution for mixing-sensitive crystallization processesWoo, X.Y.; Tan, R.B.H. ; Braatz, R.D.
6325-Jun-2013Development of controlled release inhalable polymeric microspheres for treatment of pulmonary hypertensionSaigal, A.; Ng, W.K. ; Tan, R.B.H. ; Chan, S.Y. 
42009Dimorphs of a 1: 1 cocrystal of ethenzamide and saccharin: Solid-state grinding methods result in metastable polymorphAitipamula, S.; Chow, P.S.; Tan, R.B.H. 
52-May-2012Direct comparison of α- And γ-glycine growth rates in acidic and basic solutions: New insights into glycine polymorphismHan, G.; Chow, P.S.; Tan, R.B.H. 
6Aug-2006Direct growth of γ-glycine from neutral aqueous solutions by slow, evaporation-driven crystallizationHe, G.; Bhamidi, V.; Wilson, S.R.; Tan, R.B.H. ; Kenis, P.J.A.; Zukoski, C.F.
74-Aug-2010Direct precipitation of micron-size salbutamol sulfate: New insights into the action of surfactants and polymeric additivesXie, S.; Poornachary, S.K.; Chow, P.S.; Tan, R.B.H. 
8May-2013Dissolution enhancement of indomethacin via amorphization using co-milling and supercritical co-precipitation processingLim, R.T.Y.; Ng, W.K.; Tan, R.B.H. 
916-Aug-2007Drug release study of large hollow nanoparticulate aggregates carrier particles for pulmonary deliveryHadinoto, K.; Zhu, K.; Tan, R.B.H. 
1021-Mar-2007Dry powder aerosol delivery of large hollow nanoparticulate aggregates as prospective carriers of nanoparticulate drugs: Effects of phospholipidsHadinoto, K.; Phanapavudhikul, P.; Kewu, Z.; Tan, R.B.H. 
11Mar-2010Effect of milling on DSC thermogram of excipient adipic acidNg, W.K.; Kwek, J.W.; Yuen, A.; Tan, C.L.; Tan, R. 
121-Jun-2008Effect of solution speciation of impurities on α-glycine crystal habit: A molecular modeling studyPoornachary, S.K.; Chow, P.S.; Tan, R.B.H. 
13Mar-2008Effect of water activity on the transformation between hydrate and anhydrate of carbamazepineLi, Y.; Chow, P.S.; Tan, R.B.H. ; Black, S.N.
141-Jun-2005Effects of operating conditions on agglomeration and habit of paracetamol crystals in anti-solvent crystallizationYu, Z.Q.; Tan, R.B.H. ; Chow, P.S.
151-Jan-2011Effects of the rate of supersaturation generation on polymorphic crystallization of m-hydroxybenzoic acid and o-aminobenzoic acidHe, G.; Wong, A.B.H.; Chow, P.S.; Tan, R.B.H. 
1615-Aug-2000Electrofiltration of aqueous suspensionsZhang, S.; Tan, R.B.H. ; Neoh, K.G. ; Tien, C. 
172010Environmental impacts of conventional plastic and bio-Based carrier bagsKhoo, H.H.; Tan, R.B.H. ; Chng, K.W.L.
18May-2010Environmental impacts of conventional plastic and bio-based carrier bags: Part 2: End-of-life optionsKhoo, H.H.; Tan, R.B.H. 
1914-Apr-2010Ethenzamide-gentisic acid-acetic acid (2/1/1)Aitipamula, S.; Chow, P.S.; Tan, R.B.H. 
202002Evaluation of life cycle cost analysis methodologiesDurairaj, S.K.; Ong, S.K. ; Nee, A.Y.C. ; Tan, R.B.H.