Full Name
Vasudevan Subhash
Vasudevan, S.G.
Vasudevan, S.
Main Affiliation


Results 21-40 of 60 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
211-Dec-2021Dysregulated metabolism underpins Zika-virus-infection-associated impairment in fetal developmentYau, Clement; Low, John Z. H. ; Gan, Esther S. ; Kwek, Swee Sen; Cui, Liang; Tan, Hwee Cheng ; Mok, Darren Z. L. ; Chan, Candice Y. Y.; Sessions, October M. ; Watanabe, Satoru ; Vasudevan, Subhash G. ; Lee, Yie Hou; Chan, Kuan Rong ; Ooi, Eng Eong 
2Dec-2012Establishment of a robust dengue virus NS3-NS5 binding assay for identification of protein-protein interaction inhibitorsTakahashi, H.; Takahashi, C.; Moreland, N.J.; Chang, Y.-T. ; Sawasaki, T.; Ryo, A.; Vasudevan, S.G. ; Suzuki, Y.; Yamamoto, N.
3Feb-2013Exploring the binding of peptidic West Nile virus NS2B-NS3 protease inhibitors by NMRKang, C.; Gayen, S.; Wang, W.; Severin, R.; Chen, A.S.; Lim, H.A.; Chia, C.S.B.; Schüller, A. ; Doan, D.N.P.; Poulsen, A.; Hill, J.; Vasudevan, S.G. ; Keller, T.H.
4Mar-2012Expression and immunoaffinity purification of recombinant dengue virus 2 NS1 protein as a cleavable SUMOstar fusionRozen-Gagnon, K.; Moreland, N.J.; Ruedl, C.; Vasudevan, S.G. 
52016Extended Evaluation of Virological, Immunological and Pharmacokinetic Endpoints of CELADEN: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Celgosivir in Dengue Fever PatientsSung C.; Wei Y.; Watanabe S.; Lee H.S.; Khoo Y.M.; Fan L.; Rathore A.P.S.; Chan K.W.-K.; Choy M.M.; Kamaraj U.S.; Sessions O.M.; Aw P.; de Sessions P.F.; Lee B.; Connolly J.E.; Hibberd M.L.; Vijaykrishna D.; Wijaya L.; Ooi E.E. ; Low J.G.-H.; Vasudevan S.G. 
6Nov-2010Fine-tuning DNA/albumin polyelectrolyte interactions to produce the efficient transfection agent cBSA-147Eisele, K.; Gropeanu, R.A.; Zehendner, C.M.; Rouhanipour, A.; Ramanathan, A.; Mihov, G.; Koynov, K.; Kuhlmann, C.R.W.; Vasudevan, S.G. ; Luhmann, H.J.; Weil, T. 
711-Jun-2010Flexibility between the protease and helicase domains of the dengue virus NS3 protein conferred by the linker region and its functional implicationsLuo, D.; Wei, N.; Doan, D.N.; Paradkar, P.N.; Chong, Y.; Davidson, A.D.; Kotaka, M.; Lescar, J.; Vasudevan, S.G. 
82015Flexibility of NS5 methyltransferase-polymerase linker region is essential for dengue virus replicationZhao Y.; Soh T.S.; Chan K.W.K. ; Fung S.S.Y. ; Swaminathan K. ; Lim S.P. ; Shi P.-Y. ; Huber T.; Lescar J. ; Luo D.; Vasudevan S.G. 
9May-2009Genomic epidemiology of a dengue virus epidemic in urban SingaporeSchreiber, M.J.; Holmes, E.C.; Swee, H.O.; Soh, H.S.H.; Liu, W.; Tanner, L.; Aw, P.P.K.; Hwee, C.T.; Lee, C.N.; Yee, S.L.; Low, J.G.H.; Ong, A.; Eng, E.O.; Vasudevan, S.G. ; Hibberd, M.L.
10Dec-1993Glycosylation and high-level secretion of human tumour necrosis factor-beta in recombinant baculovirus-infected insect cellsChai, H.; Vasudevan, S.G. ; Porter, A.G. ; Chua Kim Lee; Oh, S. ; Yap, M. 
11Nov-2010High affinity human antibody fragments to dengue virus non-structural protein 3Moreland, N.J.; Tay, M.Y.F.; Lim, E.; Paradkar, P.N.; Doan, D.N.P.; Yau, Y.H.; Shochat, S.G.; Vasudevan, S.G. 
122007Host gene expression profiling of dengue virus infection in cell lines and patientsFink J.; Gu F.; Ling L.; Tolfvenstam T.; Olfat F.; Chin K.C.; Aw P.; George J.; Kuznetsov V.A.; Schreiber M.; Vasudevan S.G. ; Hibberd M.L.
1322-Jan-2014Identification and molecular characterization of human antibody fragments specific for dengue NS5 proteinZhao, Y.; Moreland, N.J.; Tay, M.Y.F.; Lee, C.C.; Swaminathan, K. ; Vasudevan, S.G. 
142015Identification of covalent active site inhibitors of dengue virus proteaseKoh-Stenta X.; Joy J.; Wang S.F.; Kwek P.Z.; Wee J.L.K.; Wan K.F.; Gayen S.; Chen A.S.; Kang C.; Lee M.A.; Poulsen A. ; Vasudevan S.G ; Hill J. ; Nacro K.
1531-May-2011Immune surveillance by mast cells during dengue infection promotes natural killer (NK) and NKT-cell recruitment and viral clearanceSt. John, A.L. ; Rathore, A.P.S. ; Yap, H.; Ng, M.-L.; Metcalfe, D.D.; Vasudevan, S.G. ; Abraham, S.N.
163-Dec-2008Insights into RNA unwinding and ATP hydrolysis by the flavivirus NS3 proteinLuo, D.; Xu, T.; Watson, R.P.; Scherer-Becker, D.; Sampath, A.; Jahnke, W.; Yeong, S.S.; Wang, C.H.; Lim, S.P.; Strongin, A.; Vasudevan, S.G. ; Lescar, J.
1726-Jul-2011Ligation of Fc gamma receptor IIB inhibits antibody-dependent enhancement of dengue virus infectionChan, K.R.; Zhang, S.L.-X.; Tan, H.C.; Chan, Y.K.; Chow, A.; Lim, A.P.C.; Vasudevan, S.G. ; Hanson, B.J.; Ooi, E.E.
18Jan-2012Monoclonal antibodies against dengue NS2B and NS3 proteins for the study of protein interactions in the flaviviral replication complexMoreland, N.J.; Tay, M.Y.F.; Lim, E.; Rathore, A.P.S. ; Lim, A.P.C.; Hanson, B.J.; Vasudevan, S.G. 
1911-Jul-2008Mutagenesis of the dengue virus type 2 NS5 methyltransferase domainKroschewski, H.; Siew, P.L.; Butcher, R.E.; Thai, L.Y.; Lescar, J.; Wright, P.J.; Vasudevan, S.G. ; Davidson, A.D.
20Dec-2012Nano-sized albumin-copolymer micelles for efficient doxorubicin deliveryWu, Y.; Shih, E.K.; Ramanathan, A.; Vasudevan, S. ; Weil, T.