Full Name
Koon Gee Neoh
Neoh K.G.
Neoh, K.
Gee, N.K.
Neoh, K.G.
Neon, K.-G.
Neoh Koon Gee
Neoh K.G
Gee Neoh, K.
Neoh, K.-G.
Neoh, Koon Gee Ee
Neon, K.G.

Results 521-540 of 586 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
52115-Dec-2010Synthesis of polyimides containing triphenylamine-substituted triazole moieties for polymer memory applicationsWang, K.-L.; Liu, Y.-L.; Shih, I.-H.; Neoh, K.-G. ; Kang, E.-T. 
5222001Synthesis, characterization and anti-fouling properties of poly(ethylene glycol) grafted poly(vinylidene fluoride) copolymer membranesWang, P. ; Tan, K.L. ; Kang, E.T. ; Neoh, K.G. 
52330-Jul-1998Synthesis, characterization and catalytic properties of palladium-containing electroactive polymersHuang, S.W. ; Neoh, K.G. ; Shih, C.W.; Lim, D.S.; Kang, E.T. ; Han, H.S. ; Tan, K.L. 
5245-Apr-2005Tadpole-shaped amphiphilic block-graft copolymers prepared via consecutive atom transfer radical polymerizationsFu, G.D.; Phua, S.J.; Kang, E.T. ; Neoh, K.G. 
5252015Tea Stains-Inspired Initiator Primer for Surface Grafting of Antifouling and Antimicrobial Polymer Brush CoatingsPranantyo, Dicky ; Xu, Liqun ; Neoh, Koon Gee Ee ; Kang, En Tang ; Ng, Ying Xian ; Teo, Serena L. M. 
615-Oct-2009Temperature- and pH-sensitive nylon membranes prepared via consecutive surface-initiated atom transfer radical graft polymerizationsZhang, Z.B.; Zhu, X.L.; Xu, F.J. ; Neoh, K.G. ; Kang, E.T. 
71991The chemical nature of the nitrogens in polypyrrole and polyaniline: A comparative study by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopyTan, K.L. ; Tan, B.T.G. ; Kang, E.T. ; Neoh, K.G. 
8Jan-2009The effect of adhesive ligands on bacterial and fibroblast adhesions to surfacesHe, T.; Shi, Z.L. ; Fang, N.; Neoh, K.G. ; Kang, E.T. ; Chan, V.
92010The effect of VEGF functionalization of titanium on endothelial cells in vitroPoh, C.K.; Lim, T.Y. ; Wang, W. ; Shi, Z. ; Neoh, K.G. 
10Feb-2014The effects of silver, silicon-containing apatite towards bacteria and cell responsesLim, P.N.; Shi, Z. ; Neoh, K.G. ; Ho, B.; Tay, B.Y.; Thian, E.S. 
111991The effects of synthesis conditions on the characteristics and chemical structures of polyaniline: A comparative studyTan, K.L. ; Tan, B.T.G. ; Khor, S.H. ; Neoh, K.G. ; Kang, E.T. 
121993The interaction between CO and YBa2Cu3Ox as studied by TG/DTA, FTIR, and XPSLin, J. ; Neoh, K.G. ; Li, N. ; Tan, T.C. ; Wee, A.T.S. ; Huan, A.C.H. ; Tan, K.L. 
13May-1994The intrinsic redox states and protonation behavior of poly(o-toluidine)Kang, E.T. ; Neoh, K.G. ; Tan, K.L. 
14Mar-1996The protonation-deprotonation hysteresis in polyanilineKang, E.T. ; Neoh, K.G. ; Tan, K.L. 
15Aug-2002Thermal and electroless deposition of copper on poly(tetrafluoroet hylene-co-hexafluoropropylene) films modified by surface graft copolymerizationYang, G.H.; Kang, E.T. ; Neoh, K.G. 
161989Thermal characterization of rubberwood-polymer compositesChan, K.Y.; Yap, M.G.S. ; Chia, L.H.L. ; Neoh, K.G. 
1724-Nov-1990Thermal degradation of leucoemeraldine, emeraldine base and their complexesNeoh, K.G. ; Kang, E.T. ; Tan, K.L. 
185-Aug-1991Thermal degradation studies of perchlorate-doped conductive polymersNeoh, K.G. ; Kang, E.T. ; Tan, K.L. 
19Jan-1999Thermal graft copolymerization with concurrent lamination of low density polyethylene and poly(tetrafluoroethylene) filmsZhang, M.C.; Kang, E.T. ; Neoh, K.G. ; Han, H.S. ; Tan, K.L. 
20Mar-2001Thermal imidization of fluorinated poly(amic acid) precursors on a glycidyl methacrylate graft-polymerized Si(100) surfaceZhang, Y. ; Tan, K.L. ; Liaw, B.Y.; Liaw, D.J.; Kang, E.T. ; Neoh, K.G.