Full Name
Christian Kurtsiefer
Kurtsiefer, C.
Kurtsiefer, Ch.
Main Affiliation


Results 1-20 of 92 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12007A polarization-independent fast light switchTjuen, N.T.; Gosal, D. ; Lamas-Linares, A. ; Kurtsiefer, C. 
22007A polarization-independent fast light switchTjuen, N.T.; Gosal, D.; Lamas-Linares, A.; Kurtsiefer, C. 
3Jan-2014A universal setup for active control of a single-photon detectorLiu, Q.; Lamas-Linares, A. ; Kurtsiefer, C. ; Skaar, J.; Makarov, V.; Gerhardt, I.
428-Apr-2008Absolute emission rates of spontaneous parametric down-conversion into single transverse Gaussian modesLing, A. ; Lamas-Linares, A. ; Kurtsiefer, C. 
52008Absolute rates of spontaneous parametric down conversion into a single transverse Gaussian modeLing, A. ; Lamas-Linares, A. ; Kurtsiefer, C. 
6Jul-2007An atom and a photonVolz, J.; Weber, M.; Schlenk, D.; Rosenfeld, W.; Kurtsiefer, C. ; Weinfurter, H.
710-Jul-2006An optimal photon counting polarimeterLing, A. ; Soh, K.P.; Lamas-Linares, A. ; Kurtsiefer, C. 
82006Analysis of a single-atom dipole trapWeber, M.; Volz, J.; Saucke, K.; Kurtsiefer, C. ; Weinfurter, H.
92011Atom-light interface in strong focusing geometryAljunid, S.A. ; Lee, J.; Lan, D.H.; Durak, K.; Paesold, M.; Chng, B. ; Maslennikov, G. ; Kurtsiefer, C. 
1027-Nov-2017Breakdown flash at telecom wavelengths in InGaAs avalanche photodiodesShi, Yicheng ; Lim, Janet Zheng Jie ; Poh, Hou Shun ; Tan, Peng Kian ; Tan, Peiyu Amelia ; Ling, Alexander ; Kurtsiefer, Christian 
1123-Jul-2007Breaking a quantum key distribution system through a timing side channelLamas-Linares, A. ; Kurtsiefer, C. 
1230-Apr-2009Clock synchronization by remote detection of correlated photon pairsHo, C.; Lamas-Linares, A. ; Kurtsiefer, C. 
13Jan-2004Compact source of polarization-entangled photon pairsTrojek, P.; Schmid, Ch.; Bourennane, M.; Weinfurter, H.; Kurtsiefer, Ch. 
142006Complete deterministic linear optics bell state analysisSchuck, C.; Huber, G.; Kurtsiefer, C. ; Weinfurter, H.
152-Mar-2021Coupling light to higher order transverse modes of a near-concentric optical cavityUtama, Adrian Nugraha; Chow, Chang Hoong; Nguyen, Chi Huan; Kurtsiefer, Christian 
1630-Apr-2009Daylight operation of a free space, entanglement-based quantum key distribution systemPeloso, M.P.; Gerhardt, I. ; Ho, C.; Lamas-Linares, A. ; Kurtsiefer, C. 
172011Detection of single molecules illuminated by a light-emitting diodeGerhardt, I; Mai, L; Lamas-Linares, A ; Kurtsiefer, C 
182014Diffraction-limited Fabry-Perot cavity in the near concentric regimeDurak, K ; Nguyen, C.H ; Leong, V ; Straupe, S ; Kurtsiefer, C 
19Jan-2005Distributing entanglement and single photons through an intra-city, free-space quantum channelResch, K.J.; Lindenthal, M.; Blauensteiner, B.; Böhm, H.R.; Fedrizzi, A.; Kurtsiefer, C. ; Poppe, A.; Schmitt-Manderbach, T.; Taraba, M.; Ursin, R.; Walther, P.; Weier, H.; Weinfurter, H.; Zeilinger, A.
202011Efficient, narrowband PPKTP source for polarization entangled photonsJoshi, S.K.; Anger, F.; Lamas-Linares, A. ; Kurtsiefer, C.