Full Name
Christian Kurtsiefer
Kurtsiefer, C.
Kurtsiefer, Ch.
Main Affiliation


Results 61-80 of 92 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
612011Narrowband PPKTP source for entangled polarization photonsJoshi, S.K.; Anger, F.; Lamas-Linares, A. ; Kurtsiefer, C. 
622013Narrowband source of correlated photon pairs via four-wave mixing in a cold atomic ensembleSrivathsan, B.; Gulati, G.K.; Brenda, C.M.Y.; Maslennikov, G.; Matsukevich, D. ; Cerè, A.; Kurtsiefer, C. 
632013Narrowband source of correlated photon pairs via four-wave mixing in a cold atomic ensembleSrivathsan, B.; Gulati, G.K.; Brenda, C.M.Y.; Maslennikov, G.; Matsukevich, D.; Cerè, A.; Kurtsiefer, C. 
642017Nonlinear photon-atom coupling with 4Pi microscopyChin, Y.-S; Steiner, M ; Kurtsiefer, C 
652005Observation of atom - photon entanglementVolz, J.; Weber, M.; Rosenfeld, W.; Schlenk, D.; Vrana, J.; Saucke, K.; Kurtsiefer, C. ; Weinfurter, H.
6627-Jan-2006Observation of entanglement of a single photon with a trapped atomVolz, J.; Weber, M.; Schlenk, D.; Rosenfeld, W.; Vrana, J.; Saucke, K.; Kurtsiefer, C. ; Weinfurter, H.
6721-Apr-2016Optical intensity interferometry through atmospheric turbulenceTan, PK ; Chan, AH ; Kurtsiefer, C 
682009Phase shift of a weak coherent beam by a single atomAljunid, S.A. ; Khoon, T.M. ; Chng, B. ; Maslennikov, G. ; Kurtsiefer, C. 
692009Phase shift of a weak coherent beam by a single atomAljunid, S.A. ; Khoon, T.M. ; Chng, B. ; Maslennikov, G. ; Kurtsiefer, C. 
707-Oct-2009Phase shift of a weak coherent beam induced by a single atomAljunid, S.A. ; Tey, M.K. ; Chng, B. ; Liew, T. ; Maslennikov, G. ; Scarani, V. ; Kurtsiefer, C. 
712015Polarization entanglement and quantum beats of photon pairs from four-wave mixing in a cold 87Rb ensembleGulati G.K. ; Srivathsan B.; Chng B. ; Cerè A. ; Kurtsiefer C. 
722005Practical free space quantum cryptographySchmitt-Manderbach, T.; Weier, H.; Regner, N.; Kurtsiefer, Ch. ; Weinfurter, H.
73Aug-2012Preparation of an exponentially rising optical pulse for efficient excitation of single atoms in free spaceDao, H.L.; Aljunid, S.A. ; Maslennikov, G. ; Kurtsiefer, C. 
742005Preparation of Bell States with controlled "white noise"Ling, E.J. ; Peng, Y.H.; Lamas, A. ; Kurtsiefer, C. 
75Jul-2006Preparation of bell states with controlled white noiseLing, A. ; Han, P.Y.; Lamas-Linares, A. ; Kurtsiefer, C. 
762016Probing the quantum-classical boundary with compression softwarePoh H.S. ; Markiewicz M.; Kurzy?ski P. ; Cerè A. ; Kaszlikowski D. ; Kurtsiefer C. 
77Jan-2011Sagnac-loop phase shifter with polarization-independent operationNg, T.T.; Gosal, D. ; Lamas-Linares, A. ; Kurtsiefer, C. 
782007Schmid et al. ReplySchmid, C.; Trojek, P.; Bourennane, M.; Kurtsiefer, C. ; Zukowski, M.; Weinfurter, H.
7914-Jan-2006Single photon emission from SiV centres in diamond produced by ion implantationWang, C.; Kurtsiefer, C. ; Weinfurter, H.; Burchard, B.
802008Strong interaction between light and a single trapped atom without a cavityKhoon, T.M. ; Chen, Z.; Aljunid, S.A. ; Chng, B. ; Maslennikov, G. ; Kurtsiefer, C.