Full Name
Ismail Bin Said Talib
(not current staff)
Talib, I.S.
Talib, Ismail Bin Said
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Results 1-20 of 68 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11998After the (Unwritten) 'Postcolonial' in Southeast Asia: What Happens Next?Talib, Ismail Bin Said 
2Jan-1990Conrad's Nostromo and the Reader's Understanding of Anachronic NarrativesTalib, Ismail Bin Said 
3Oct-1995Critical Discourse Analysis: Barriers to Research in the Third WorldTalib, Ismail Bin Said 
42003Divisions, Sub-Divisions, Linkages, MixturesTalib, Ismail Bin Said 
51997Eastern Criticisms, Western Perceptions: The Singaporean Writer, The Western Press, and the Image of SingaporeTalib, Ismail Bin Said 
61997Emigration as a Resistant Factor in the Creation of a National Literature: Rex Shelley's The Shrimp PeopleTalib, Ismail Bin Said 
71998English Structure and MeaningTalib, Ismail Bin Said ; Wee, Hock Ann Lionel 
82009ForewordTalib, Ismail Bin Said 
91999From Settlement to Super MallTalib, Ismail Bin Said 
102012Ghosh, Language and The Hungry TideTalib, Ismail Bin Said 
112012Ghosh, language, and The Hungry TideTalib, I.S. 
12Nov-1996Hallidayan TransitivityTalib, Ismail Bin Said 
131993Hallidayan Transitivity and the Malay LanguageTalib, Ismail Bin Said 
141994Hallidayan Transitivity and the Stylistic Analysis of Malay PoetryTalib, Ismail Bin Said 
151997In celebration of Said's Orientalism: Twenty yearsTalib, Ismail Bin Said 
16Mar-1979Information Technology and the Challenge Facing Education TodayTalib, Ismail Bin Said 
172012IntroductionTalib, Ismail Bin Said 
182011IntroductionTalib, Ismail Bin Said 
192001IT, Educational Policy and Language PolicyTalib, Ismail Bin Said 
20Mar-2006Language and nationTalib, I.S.