Full Name
Jia Hui Fu
Fu, J.H.
Fu, J.-H.
Hui, F.J.
Main Affiliation


Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Apr-2014A randomized clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of the sandwich bone augmentation technique in increasing buccal bone thickness during implant placement surgery: I. Clinical and radiographic parametersFu, J.-H. ; Oh, T.-J.; Benavides, E.; Rudek, I.; Wang, H.-L.
2Jul-2013Are short dental implants (Monje, A.; Chan, H.-L.; Fu, J.-H. ; Suarez, F.; Galindo-Moreno, P.; Wang, H.-L.
32012Esthetic soft tissue management for teeth and implantsFu, J.-H. ; Su, C.-Y.; Wang, H.-L.
42013Reliability of volumetric imaging software for cone-beam computed tomogram scans in the anterior maxillaFu, J.-H. ; Wang, H.-L.
52012Ridge augmentation with mineralized block allografts: Clinical and histological evaluation of 8 cases treated with the 3-dimensional block techniqueJacotti, M.; Wang, H.-L.; Fu, J.-H. ; Zamboni, G.; Bernardello, F.
6Oct-2013Ridge width gain with screw spreaders: A cadaver studyChan, H.-L.; Fu, J.-H. ; Koticha, T.; Benavides, E.; Wang, H.-L.
7Sep-2013Sinus augmentation via transcrestal approach: A comparison between the balloon and osteotome technique in a cadaver studyChan, H.-L.; Oh, T.-J.; Fu, J.-H. ; Benavides, E.; Avila-Ortiz, G.; Wang, H.-L.
82012Statins, glucocorticoids, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Their influence on implant healingFu, J.-H. ; Bashutski, J.D.; Al-Hezaimi, K.; Wang, H.-L.
92012The success rate of narrow body implants used for supporting immediate provisional restorations: A pilot feasibility studyWang, H.-L.; Okayasu, K.; Fu, J.-H. ; Hamerink, H.A.; Layher, M.G.; Rudek, I.E.