Full Name
Chakraborty Anutosh
(not current staff)
Chakraborty, A.
Anutosh, C.
Anutosh Chakraborty
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Results 1-11 of 11 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Sep-2002Adsorption characteristics of silica gel + water systemsChua, H.T. ; Ng, K.C. ; Chakraborty, A. ; Oo, N.M.; Othman, M.A.
2Jun-2010Experimental study on adsorption kinetics of activated carbon/R134a and activated carbon/R507A pairsHabib, K.; Saha, B.B.; Rahman, K.A.; Chakraborty, A. ; Koyama, S.; Ng, K.C. 
3Aug-2006New pool boiling data for water with copper-foam metal at sub-atmospheric pressures: Experiments and correlationChoon, N.K. ; Chakraborty, A. ; Aye, S.M.; Xiaolin, W. 
4Jun-2009Solar-assisted dual-effect adsorption cycle for the production of cooling effect and potable waterNg, K.C. ; Thu, K. ; Chakraborty, A. ; Saha, B.B. ; Chun, W.G.
5Dec-2002The electro-adsorption chiller: A miniaturized cooling cycle with applications to micro-electronicsGordon, J.M.; Ng, K.C. ; Chua, H.T. ; Chakraborty, A. 
6Sep-2006The electro-adsorption chiller: Performance rating of a novel miniaturized cooling cycle for electronics coolingNg, K.C. ; Sai, M.A.; Chakraborty, A. ; Saha, B.B.; Koyama, S.
77-Jul-2009Theoretical insight of physical adsorption for a single component adsorbent + adsorbate system: II. The Henry regionChakraborty, A. ; Saha, B.B. ; Ng, K.C. ; Koyama, S.; Srinivasan, K.
817-Feb-2009Theoretical insight of physical adsorption for a single-component adsorbent + adsorbate system: I. thermodynamic property surfacesChakraborty, A. ; Saha, B.B. ; Ng, K.C. ; Koyama, S.; Srinivasan, K.
9Jun-2006Thermodynamic formulation of temperature-entropy diagram for the transient operation of a pulsed thermoelectric coolerChakraborty, A. ; Ng, K.C. 
1018-Mar-2003Thermodynamic property fields of an adsorbate-adsorbent systemChua, H.T. ; Ng, K.C. ; Chakraborty, A. ; Oo, N.M.
11Jan-2010Thermodynamic property surfaces for adsorption of R507A, R134a, and n-butane on pitch-based carbonaceous porous materialsChakraborty, A. ; Saha, B.B.; Ng, K.C. ; El-Sharkawy, I.I.; Koyama, S.