Organization name

Results 1-20 of 1285 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
128-Dec-2001Zero-inflated poisson model in statistical process controlXie M., He B. 
21999Yield optimization by design centering & worst-case distance analysisSamudra, G.S. ; Chen, H.M.; Chan, D.S.H. ; Ibrahim, Yaacob 
3May-2001Why Singapore's land transportation energy consumption is relatively lowAng, B.W ; Tan, K.C 
42010What leads to differences in success antecedents? Analyzing the effects of offering nature, variety, and service modeXu, B.; Tan, K.C. 
5Jan-2010Weighting and aggregation in composite indicator construction: A multiplicative optimization approachZhou, P.; Ang, B.W. ; Zhou, D.Q.
6May-2011Weibull distributionsLai, C.D.; Murthy, D.N.P.; Xie, M. 
7Mar-2008Warranty cost analysis for nonrepairable services productsWu, S.; Xie, M. 
86-Apr-1995Warehouse-retailer system with stochastic demands - Non-identical retailer caseChew, E.P. ; Tang, L.C. 
928-Nov-2004Warehouse space capacity and delivery time window considerations in dynamic lot-sizing for a simple supply chainJaruphongsa, W. ; Çetinkaya, S.; Lee, C.-Y.
1015-Jun-2014Vehicle routing problem with a heterogeneous fleet and time windowsJiang, J.; Ng, K.M. ; Poh, K.L. ; Teo, K.M. 
112010Vehicle dispatching algorithms for container transshipment hubsLee, L.H. ; Chew, E.P. ; Tan, K.C. ; Wang, Y.
12Mar-2003Vehicle capacity planning system: A case study on vehicle routing problem with time windowsLee, L.H. ; Tan, K.C. ; Ou, K.; Chew, Y.H.
138-Dec-2011Variance of electricity prices and market power with bilateral contracts in deregulated marketsWANG GUANLI
1411-Apr-2002Variable period adaptive genetic algorithmChew, E.P. ; Ong, C.J. ; Lim, K.H.
1615-Dec-2013Valuing flexibilities in the design of urban water management systemsDeng, Yinghan ; Cardin, Michel-Alexandre ; Babovic, Vladan M. ; Santhanakrishnan, Deepak ; Schmitter, Petra; Meshgi, Ali
172-Apr-2004Value of information in decision systemsXU SONGSONG
1824-Apr-2004Value efficiency in data envelopment analysis: Weighted global measureCHEN GANG
192013Using system dynamics for sustainable water resources management in SingaporeXi, X.; Poh, K.L. 
202008Using six sigma in new service developmentGoudarzlou, A. ; Chuan, T.K.