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Title: Formal derivation to object-oriented implementation of financial policies
Authors: Woon, I.M.Y. 
Loh, W.L. 
Keywords: Financial policies
Formal specification
Object-oriented method
Z notation
Issue Date: 1997
Citation: Woon, I.M.Y.,Loh, W.L. (1997). Formal derivation to object-oriented implementation of financial policies. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 10 (5-6) : 316-326. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: The use of formal methods promises correctness, verifiability, robustness and reliability of operational software systems which have been developed so far. Object-oriented methods enable easier development and maintenance of software application systems and promote the reuse of design and program code. Mapping formal specifications into an object-oriented application will therefore give a system that is not only correct and reliable, but easy to develop and enhance. In this paper, we show how specifications containing major decisions that financial managers typically make, can be expressed in the Z notation. These specifications are subsequently translated into pseudo object-oriented programs.
Source Title: International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology
ISSN: 09528091
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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