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Title: Plane wave scattering by an achiral multilayered sphere in an infinitely extended chiral host medium
Authors: Li, L.-W. 
Dan, Y.
Leong, M.-S. 
Yeo, T.-S. 
Kong, J.A.
Issue Date: 2001
Citation: Li, L.-W.,Dan, Y.,Leong, M.-S.,Yeo, T.-S.,Kong, J.A. (2001). Plane wave scattering by an achiral multilayered sphere in an infinitely extended chiral host medium. Progress in Electromagnetics Research 33 : 261-298. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: An analytic solution to the problem of plane wave scattering by an achiral multilayered sphere in a host chiral medium is obtained in this paper. By applying the radiation-to-scattering transform,the scattering problem can be considered as the specific radiation problems where the radiated source equivalent to the electromagnetic plane wave is located at infinity. The volumetric currents which generate right circular polarization (RCP) and left circular polarization (LCP) plane waves, respectively, are found. An integral equation consisting the volumetric current distributions and the dyadic Green's functions is formulated to obtain both the equivalent incident wave fields and the scattered fields. Two-layered lossless and lossy dielectric spheres and a conducting sphere with a dielectric coated layer buried in an infinitely extended host chiral medium are considered and the expressions for the scattered fields in far-zone are found in explicit analytic form. The characteristics of scattered fields are illustrated and discussed in terms of the circular polarization degree and linear polarization degree against different chiral admittances and sizes.
Source Title: Progress in Electromagnetics Research
ISSN: 10704698
DOI: 10.2528/PIER01012902
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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