An acoustic comfort model for dwellers in high-rise built environment in the tropics
Alam, S.M. ; Eang, L.S. ; Seng, A.T.H. ; Tiong, T.S.
Alam, S.M.
Seng, A.T.H.
Tiong, T.S.
Alternative Title
Researchers in past few decades investigated on the negative evaluation of the noise environment (i.e. annoyance). Despite of an extensive and rich literature on human noise annoyance experiences, there has been very limited research effort in the investigation of acoustic comfort among residential dwellers. With the technological advancement in many aspects of our living environment in recent years, quality of life issues become prime concern. Acoustic comfort is such a key aspiration of our living environment. Acoustic comforts among high-rise dwellers, especially in the dense urban residential environment in the tropics have not been investigated yet. Since research on acoustic comfort is nascent, there is a quest for a comprehensive evaluation framework and an acoustic comfort model, developed on sound theoretical basis. The current study endeavors to expand the conceptualization of the acoustic comfort among high-rise dwellers in the tropics. A novel acoustic comfort model based on the theory of noise annoyance by Stallen (1999) is proposed in this paper.To evaluate acoustic comfort among the high-rise dwellers in the tropics, a comprehensive noise survey, using stratified sampling technique (based on major environmental noise sources), among 604 households was conceived. Evaluation of acoustic comfort in the high-rise built environment was investigated with respect to major environmental and neighbour noise sources. Perceived acoustic comfort responses were correlated to several acoustical and non-acoustical factors related the indoor noise exposure due to major environmental noise sources. Besides, subjective acoustic comfort responses were also correlated to the perceived neighbour noise and associated disturbance. Factor analysis and multiple regressions analysis of the data from the noise survey resulted in the development of an acoustic comfort model which demonstrates that acoustic comfort is dependent on the perception of noisiness and associated perceived disturbance by major environmental noise sources in the highrise residential environment in the tropics. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique was then used to investigate the relationships between variables that influence acoustic comfort. Copyright © (2010) by the International Congress on Acoustics.
Source Title
20th International Congress on Acoustics 2010, ICA 2010 - Incorporating Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society
Series/Report No.
Conference Paper