
Use of des-Aspartate-angiotensin I as an agent for the treatment and prevention of neointima formation, restenosis, and arteriosclerosis

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The use of des-Aspartate-angiotensin I (Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe-His-Leu) as an anti-neointima and anti-arteriosclerotic agent was described. The compound, given intravenously attenuates the development of neointima formation in balloon catheter-injured carotid arteries of Sprague Dawley rats. The anti-neointima action was dose-dependent and the maximum effect was obtained with a dose of 10 pmoles/day given 2 days pre- and 13 days post-balloon catheterization. When given orally on a chronic basis at a dose of 0.9 mg/kg/day for 47 weeks, the compound significantly attenuates the development of arteriosclerosis in the spontaneously hypertensive rats. The anti-arteriosclerotic action was not blood pressure dependent.
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