Endoscopic Nd:YAG laser treatment of inoperable lower gastrointestinal cancer
Tai, L.S. ; Chia, Y.W.
Tai, L.S.
Alternative Title
Many patients with colorectal cancer are not amenable to curative resection at the time of presentation. Nevertheless, palliative resection still remains as the treatment of choice in the majority of patients. A small group of patients that are poor candidates for surgical resection may benefit from some non-surgical palliative procedures to relieve their symptoms. Electrocoagulation, cryosurgery and radiotherapy are some of the non-surgical procedure used and they are associated with high morbidity and mortality. The use of Neodymium: yttrium-Aluminium-Garnet (Nd:YAG) laser photoablation to palliate patients with advanced colorectal carcinoma is well documented. It is associated with relatively low morbidity and perioperative mortality. It requires no anaesthesia and is the only non-surgical procedure that can be safely carried out above the peritoneal reflection. Nd:YAG laser had been used in some centres as a preresectional procedure in patient presenting with high grade obstruction. It allows proper bowel preparation followed by primary excision and anastomosis. As a palliative procedure, most patients showed rapid improvement in obstructive symptoms, bleeding and rectal discharge. The size of the lesion and circumferential extent of the tumour base correlate well with the response rate. Most patients remained asymptomatic before they succumb to the advanced disease. In our series, good palliation of obstructive symptoms was achieved in all obstructive cases with one laser treatment, bleeding tumours required an average of two sessions for complete haemostasis. In conclusion, Nd:YAG laser therapy is a safe and efficacious means for palliation of obstructive symptoms and bleeding in advanced rectal carcinoma.
Advanced colorectal carcinoma, Bleeding, Obstruction, Palliation, Photoablation, Presectional procedure
Source Title
Annals of the Academy of Medicine Singapore
Series/Report No.