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Title: Fundamental groups of open K3 surfaces, Enriques surfaces and Fano 3-folds
Authors: Keum, J.
Zhang, D.-Q. 
Issue Date: 8-May-2002
Citation: Keum, J., Zhang, D.-Q. (2002-05-08). Fundamental groups of open K3 surfaces, Enriques surfaces and Fano 3-folds. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 170 (1) : 67-91. ScholarBank@NUS Repository.
Abstract: We investigate when the fundamental group of the smooth part of a K3 surface or Enriques surface with Du Val singularities, is finite. As a corollary we give an effective upper bound for the order of the fundamental group of the smooth part of a certain Fano 3-fold. This result supports. Conjecture A below, while Conjecture A (or alternatively the rational-connectedness conjecture in Kollar et al. (J. Algebra Geom. 1 (1992) 429) which is still open when the dimension is at least 4) would imply that every log terminal Fano variety has a finite fundamental group. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Source Title: Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
ISSN: 00224049
DOI: 10.1016/S0022-4049(01)00110-4
Appears in Collections:Staff Publications

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